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我能续借吗?Can I renew them?

我必须续借这本书。I must renew the book.

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我可以续借吗?May I renew this book?

你可以换发新卡给我吗?。Can you renew it for me?

我可以打电话续借吗?Can I renew them by phone?

我可以续借吗?The May I renew this book?

我要求国会延长这一权力的有效期限。I ask Congress to renew it.

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我要续借这些书。I want to renew these books.

只要您愿意就可以续存。You may renew it if you wish.

你必须来办理续借它。But you must come and renew it.

不行,你不能续借任何小说。No, you can't renew any novels.

不断更新你的精神和力量。Renew your spirit and strength.

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我们以睡眠来恢复体力。We renew our strength in sleep.

我们要复兴美国,就必须鼓足勇气。To renew America we must be bold.

你好,我想补办一张手机卡。Hello, I want to renew my SIM card.

蛇会蜕壳换新。Snakes castoff and renew their skins.

蛇脱了皮,又再长出皮来。Snakes cast off and renew their skins.

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若要续订此用户帐户,请单击“添加”。To renew this user account, click Add.

求你重显神迹,重行奇事。Renew thy signs, and work new miracles.

他们打算重订合同。They are going to renew their contract.