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我会因为那气味窒息的。Thought I'd asphyxiate from the smell.

因为二氧化碳比空气要重,纯净的二氧化碳可以使人窒息。Carbon dioxide in pure form can asphyxiate because it is heavier than air.

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它们会令你窒息,灼烧你,埋葬一切生机,或者将你掩埋在废墟之下。They can asphyxiate you, burn you, bury you alive, or crush you under debris.

幼儿在试图吞咽大药片时有时会噎住或窒息。Small children sometimes choke or asphyxiate while trying to swallow big tablets.

事实上当时那种学校教育也只能窒息人的创造性。They commonly without any education in fact schooling in that time can asphyxiate peoples creation.

任一种蛇,如大蟒或蚺,能紧紧地缠绕其猎物并使其窒息。Any of various snakes, such as the python or boa, that tightly coil around and asphyxiate their prey.

当时地球上的生物鲜有幸免,很有可能就是因为甲烷爆发使得海水翻腾、大地起火,海陆生物都难以逃生。The blast could have roiled the seas enough to asphyxiate fish and may have even set the planet on fire.

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科尔从没见过这样武断的凶手。她不断攻击狱警,并试图使自己的狱友窒息死亡。Cole had never seen such an assertive killer before, she repeatedly assailed the guards, and tried to asphyxiate her cell mate.

窒息持续5秒。暴雪控上的演示范了点小错误。窒息将和绞杀的持续时间一样,因为它代替了绞杀。Asphyxiate lasts 5 sec. There was a typo in the Blizzcon presentation. Asphyxiate is the same duration as Strangulate, which it replaces.

同时发烟量大,在火灾中燃烧物产生大量浓烟使火灾中的大多数人员被有毒气体和烟雾熏倒窒息而身亡。At the same time, they issued smoke, inflamer produce a great lot of smother, so in fires, majority people got gas poisoning and asphyxiate and died.

他在水里泡了两天,最后出来时,发现士兵已经把他家烧毁,他的母亲、父亲和两个兄弟在里面窒息而亡。He stayed in the water for two days and finally emerged to find that soldiers had set his family home on fire, leaving his mother, father and two brothers to asphyxiate inside.