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实验选用不同年龄的ICR纯系小鼠,腹腔注射MPTP。The ICR mice were injected with MPTP in abdominal cavity.

塞族控制区内甚至举行了选举,不过联合国、欧盟及国际民事代表处宣布该选举无效。It even held local elections, condemned as illegal by the UN, the EU and the ICR.

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通过对ICR小鼠的急性肝损伤实验,测得蚕蛹表达产物能明显降低肝脏血清酶活性。And the expression product can alleviate the symptoms of liver trauma of ICR mouse.

呈剂量依赖性诱发了刻板性动作。小鼠移动行为及刻板性动作实验结果的比较。Dosage effect on ICR mouse locomotion and stereotypy behaviors compared with saline control group.

这位国际民事代表有权为维护科索沃问题的解决而废除法律或撤销公职官员。The ICR would have the authority to annul laws or dismiss public officials to uphold the Kosovo settlement.

以ICR小鼠为实验动物,对转金属硫蛋白基因平菇的营养保健功能进行了研究。A certain nutrition and health function of transgenic metallothionein mushroom on ICR mice was studied in this paper.

进一步地,我们利用从腹腔感染肠病毒的小鼠模式,来测试这些药物治疗被肠病毒感染的小鼠的效果。Furthermore, ICR mice infected with EV71 by intraperitoneal inoculation were used to test the efficacy of these drugs in vivo.

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这对双胞胎姐弟刚来ICR时没有任何英语基础,我很惊叹他们学习日常用语的提问和回答时速度如此之快。Sister and brother joined ICR with no English ability and I have been impressed at how fast they have learned basic questions, replies and greetings.

经显微注入ICR小鼠囊胚腔中,产生4只嵌合体小鼠,经证实其中1只为种系嵌合小鼠。When mC57ES1 cells were transfered into ICR mice blastocysts, 4 chimeric mice were obtained, one male of whom exhibited successful germ-line transmission.

结论天蚕素B对ICR小鼠铜绿假单胞菌感染创面有明显的抗感染作用,可明显降低其死亡率。Conclusion The cecropin B possesses obvious anti-bacterial effect on the Pseudomonas Aeruginasa infected wounds of ICR mice, and it can reduce the mortality.

实验以ICR小鼠体外培养的囊胚及孵化胚胎为材料,比较两种方法对小鼠胚胎细胞计数的效果。The experiment was blastocyst and hatch blastocyst of ICR mouse culture in vitro, and the effect of two methods to the cell counting of mouse embryo was compared.

通过ICR孕鼠饮水接触低剂量氯化甲基汞,研究汞在亲仔两代小鼠脑、肝、肾及血清中的分布及其相关性。To study the distribution of total mercury in organs and serum of maternal and offspring, ICR mice were administrated with low dose of methylmercury by drinking water.

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乳癌研究计划是一个大型综合性研究乳腺癌发病因素的研究,这项研究与乳癌慈善机构以及癌症研究学会是伙伴关系。The Breakthrough Generations Study is a large and comprehensive study into the causes of breast cancer and a partnership between Breakthrough Breast Cancer and the ICR.