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1845年建立的美国海军军官学校就设在此地。Naval Academy, founded in 1845, is in Annapolis. Population, 33,187.

美国马里兰州将种植三百六十株树,协助安那波利斯市绿化。The US state of Maryland will plant a total of 360 trees to help reforest the city of Annapolis.

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安纳波利斯会议汇集了世界各大州50个国家,其中有14个主要阿拉伯国家。Annapolis brought together 50 countries from all continents, including the 14 leading Arab states.

自从去年11月安纳波利斯会议以来,双方一直进行正式而具有实质性的谈判。And serious and substantive bilateral negotiations have been going on since Annapolis last November.

通过安纳波利斯政治进程,我们第一次可以进行综合性政治磋商。For the first time, we have comprehensive political negotiations, through the Annapolis political process.

安纳波利斯的大部分玩家代表了他们各自阵营和联盟内的温和中间派。Most of the players at Annapolis represent the moderate middle within their respective camps and coalitions.

一位将军站在安纳波利斯海军学院的一台糖果机前,拦住了经过的一位新生。An admiral is standing by a candy machine at the Naval Academy in Annapolis when he stops a plebe walking by.

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美国最好的大学并不在坎布里奇或普林斯顿,西点军校或安纳波利斯海军军官学校,而是位于伯克希尔山的威廉姆斯学院。The best college in America isn't in Cambridge or Princeton, West Point or Annapolis. It's in the Berkshire Mountains.

1945年,她读完一年级,第一次与从安纳波利斯美国海军学院回家休假的吉米·卡特约会。In 1945, after her freshman year, she first dated Jimmy Carter, who was home from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis.

安纳波利斯小镇居民麦克尔·布切是马里兰州众议院的发言人。Annapolis resident Michael Busch, the speaker of the Maryland House, joked that socks constitute formal wear around here.

去年11月安纳波利斯进程启动以来,巴以双方开始了艰巨的政治谈判。Palestine and Israel started arduous political negotiations after the launching of the Annapolis Process in November last year.

1649年开始有人定居,这里是1786年安纳波利斯大会的旧址,该大会导致了1787年联邦宪法会议的召开。Settled in 1649, it was the site of the Annapolis Convention in 1786, which led to the federal Constitutional Convention of 1787. The U. S.

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然而,来自巴格达、贝鲁特、卡拉奇和安纳波利斯的消息经常提醒选民,下一个总统将没有时间边学边干。Yet as the news from Baghdad, Beirut, Karachi and Annapolis often reminds voters, the next president will have no time to learn on the job.

相对应的是美国在去年晚些时候举行的安纳波利斯峰会后说得多,做得少,而且有些说法还是相互矛盾的。In response, the U. S. has delivered more talk than action since the Annapolis summit late last year, and some of that talk has been contradictory.

“安那波里会谈的实行难度不低”莱斯说道”我们用三个月的时间试著解决持续50年的冲突。"The Annapolis process is hardly under way, " Rice said. "We are three months into trying to resolve a conflict that has been going on for 50 years.

以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的谈判曾在2007年安纳波利斯中东和平会议后一度恢复,但在去年中断。Negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians had resumed after the 2007 Annapolis Conference on Middle East peace, but sputtered to a halt last year.

在被预备役学院最终接受之前我曾经两次申请,一种可以把我从安娜波里斯转回正途的教育。I had applied to the academy twice before I was finally accepted to the prep school, an education that would put me on my way to a commission from Annapolis.

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迪恩娜·罗威瑞的肚子由于紧张而充满了恶心感,这位住在安纳波利斯的31岁的家庭主妇兼母亲在星期六为了她盛大的夜晚而精心准备着。Deanna Lowery's stomach was filled with butterflies. The 31-year-old Annapolis stay-at-home wife and mother had spent Saturday getting ready for her big night.

俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫也说,希望明年春季在莫斯科举行另外一次和平会议,继续安纳波利斯会议上开始的努力。Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also expressed hope a new peace conference, to be held next spring in Moscow, will continue the work begun at Annapolis.

1991年马德里的乔治·H·布什,2000年戴维营的比尔·克林顿,2007年安纳波利斯的乔治·W·布什皆难力挽狂澜,和平依然遥不可及。Bush at Madrid in 1991 nor Bill Clinton at Camp David in 2000 nor George W. Bush at Annapolis in 2007 succeeded in making peace or even bringing it visibly closer.