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所以我带领预备学生参观so I give tours to prospective students.

这个研究是前瞻性群组研究This particular study was a prospective cohort.

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我们已经D2中,大通54提供给潜在的买家。We have D2, JP 54 to offer to prospective buyers.

单身男女看重未来伴侣的哪些方面呢?What do singles seek in their prospective partners?

所以,你最好确保你潜在客户的LOGO能通过消费者的法眼。And a prospective client's logo better pass the test.

有意发表调查意见的人必须小心受骗上当。Prospective opinionators need to watch out for scams.

登记员核对未来投票人的身份证。Registrars checked the ID cards of prospective voters.

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方法采用前瞻性病例对照研究。Methods A prospective case-controlled study was adopted.

未来的老板愿意看你所写过的东西。Prospective employers like to see what you have written.

在胖妞看来楚楚就是荣生的准女朋友。In PanNiu looks neat is RongSheng prospective girlfriend.

这是我们要向潜在租客推介之首要好处之一。It's one of the first things we show prospective tenants.

赛尔夫和格雷琴在一个码头等着一个可能的买家。Self and Gretchen wait for a prospective buyer at a pier.

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那个日本人是这古董车的可能买家。That Japanese is a prospective buyer for the antique car.

节日愉快身体硬,心想事成您准赢。Happy holidays hard physically, your prospective Horse win.

他说女孩子的父亲都因他的事业对他退避三舍。He says prospective fathers-in-law are put off by his career.

对于未来的购房者来说,贷款会多少容易一些了。Loans are a bit easier to come by for prospective homebuyers.

方法采用前瞻性非随机对照研究。Methods This was a prospective nonrandomized controlled study.

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这是个前瞻、多中心随机对照试验。This was a prospective multicentre randomised controlled trial.

临床部分,为多中心前瞻性研究。The clinical research was a multi-centre prospective experiment.

该学院收到了接近300名学生的声请。The college had applications from nearly 300 prospective students.