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摄于塔科马市东北方。Taken from North east Tacoma.

塔科马的警方怎么说那个爆炸?What did tacoma pd say about the explosion?.

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这个地区有法院大楼在西雅图和塔科马。The district has courthouses in Seattle and Tacoma.

目录塔科马刑事辩护律师在西澳黄页。List of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Tacoma p Yellow Pages.

其他租房空置率明显上升的城市还包括田纳西州孟菲斯、印地安纳波利斯、洛利以及塔科马。Other big rises were seen in Memphis, Tenn., Indianapolis, Raleigh and Tacoma.

在2004年,Expedia表示塔科马市电话服务中心的员工有200人左右。In 2004, the company said it had about 200 employees in the Tacoma call center.

帕克兰华盛顿中西部一社区,是塔科马的一个住宅区。人口20,882。A community of west-central Washington, a residential suburb of Tacoma. Population, 20, 882.

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那天,他跳上他的丰田塔科马驶往码头洲海滩想找到新的冲浪板。That day, he climbed into his Toyota Tacoma and drove to Marina State Beach to try out a new surfboard.

如果你是一名塔科马的成员领土你仍然能从直接进口这套原先的完整的工具高山。If you are a member of Tacoma Territory you can still import the original complete kit direct from Alpine.

查塔科马的新英格兰章场所领土适合更多讯息关于2.4和2.7增压器工具你想要。Look up the New England chapter site of Tacoma Territory for more info on the 2.4 and 2.7 supercharger kit if you want.

这架塞斯纳182飞机在美国华盛顿州塔科马东南的一个机场起飞后就出现了引擎故障。This Cessna 182 aircraft in the United States, southeast of Washington, Tacoma Airport after an engine failure occurred.

奥本华盛顿州西部城市,位于塔科马东北偏东。是该州飞机工业中心,人口33,102。A city of western Washington east-northeast of Tacoma. It is a center of the state's aircraft industry. Population, 33, 102.

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它在现代最为雄心勃勃的应用出现在1961年,华盛顿州的塔科马港市修建了一个移动人行道的“攀梯”。Its most ambitious use in modern times came in 1961, when the city of Tacoma in Washington built an underground "escalade" of moving sidewalks.

她目前是上海美国商会、籍职业妇女社团、国华盛顿塔科马世贸中心、国培训与发展协会以及TESOL的积极会员。She is an active member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, EPWS, The World Trade Center in Tacoma Washington USA, ASTD and TESOL.

该工厂还生产丰田塔科马皮卡单独的行,但有一点,以支持通用汽车公司的兴趣,该车辆在这个时候。The plant also produces the Toyota Tacoma pickup truck on a separate line, but there is little to support GM's interest in that vehicle at this time.

阿伯丁美国华盛顿州西部一城市,在塔科马西南偏西。位于格瑞斯港,有木材业、渔业和船运业等工业。人口16,565。A city of western Washington west-southwest of Tacoma. Located on Grays Harbor, it has lumbering, fishing, and shipping industries. Population, 16, 565.

11月29日早晨,他步入塔科马港已一家咖啡店,开枪射杀了四名正在利用笔记本电脑工作的警察。Then, on the morning of Nov. 29, he walked into a suburban Tacoma coffee shop and shot four police officers while they were working on their laptop computers.

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周五,在华盛顿州,塔科马港口决定不再建造一个已申请的煤炭装运工厂,原因是”商业和社会等综合因素。In Washington State, the Port of Tacoma said Friday that it would not host a proposed coal loading plant, citing “a multitude of business and community factors.

像福特探索者,或是丰田塔科马这样的新型大排量汽车频现街道,但更多车辆每日都陷于首都拥堵的道路之中。New, oversized cars such as the Ford Explorer and Toyota Tacoma ply the streets but, like other vehicles are caught in the daily traffic jams that snake through the capital.

作为有着27年工龄的西雅图地铁司机,安德拉确信她看过儿子的所有比赛,当儿子还在德克马的林肯高中读书的时候,安德拉为儿子可谓殚精竭虑。A Metro bus driver in Seattle for 27 years, Cheatham made sure she was at all of her son's games. She played at Lincoln High School in Tacoma and stayed active in the game through her son.