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他形容碳酸镧对于整体是有帮助的。He called lanthanum carbonate "a helpful addition to our armamentarium."

分析了国外开展医疗设备融资业务的成功案例。Analyzes a foreign case of successful developing armamentarium financial lease.

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本文就医疗设备的融资性租赁业务在中国开展的前景进行分析和探讨。This thesis analyzes and studies the prospect of developing armamentarium financial lease in China.

显然,在全部药物中,奥美沙坦在控制血压方面有非常重要的地位。It is clear that olmesartan has a very good position in the armamentarium to control blood pressure.

全部的这些行动,单独的或是联合的,就是科学研究的检验和真正的设备的一部分。All these actions, singly and in combination, are part of the tested and true armamentarium of science.

但是,组合化学经这几年已经逐步成熟,在药物发现设备领域建立了一席之地。However, combinatorial chemistry has matured over the years and has found its place in the armamentarium of drug hunters.

现在的脚步加快了,因为研究人员正在检验各种可能的防癌物质。Today the pace is quickening as investigators are examining a diverse armamentarium of potential cancer-protective agents.

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“当知道提供给病人的仪器能使我的火力增强了许多,我感觉非常好,”Baughman医生说。"I feel a lot better knowing I have more firepower than ever before in the armamentarium to offer patients, " Dr. Baughman said.

不仅如此,还要加大对传播的物质和技术投入,并培养一批既熟悉中国又了解世界,既懂对外传播又懂外语的专业传播人才。Moreover, more investment in the media armamentarium and technology are needed, as well as training a host of professionals in media.

对医疗设备融资性租赁和购买进行了经济性分析,表明前者较后者能体现出明显优势。The economic analysis of armamentarium financial lease and purchasing is indicating that the former is clearly superior to the latter.

幸运的是,抗真菌感染的治疗策略正发生转变,临床医师有多种新药可用于对抗真菌感染。Fortunately, therapeutic paradigms are shifting, and clinicians have many new agents in their armamentarium for combating fungal infection.

一旦美国IDE研究结束,颈椎间盘置换在脊柱外科医生使用的器械选择中的定位会更加清晰。S. IDE studies are completed, a clearer role for the place of cervical disc replacement in the spine surgeon's armamentarium should emerge.

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这些基本而又不同的治疗选择每一种均具有一定的优势和局限性在抗慢性乙型肝炎病毒中具有一定定位。Each of these fundamentally different approaches has advantages and limitations and both have a place in the therapeutic armamentarium against chronic hepatitis b.

另一类既可在场内交易,也可以在场内外申购赎回,基金规模可增可减,我们称为开放式分级基金。Another either in the pit , you can acquirement and accretion on and off , the armamentarium admeasurement access can be bargain , we are alleged open- graded funds.

这个方法提供给脊椎外科医生另一种固定颈椎骨移植的有效方法。The use of intraosseous screw fixation is a useful addition to the armamentarium of the spine surgeon when fixation of anterior cervical graft after discectomy is required.

“这无疑是一项伟大的无创技术”,她说道,“但这只限于那些有性连锁遗传病风险的家族”。"It is a great test that can be part of our armamentarium of noninvasive testing that we use," she said. "But it should only be used by families that are at risk for sex-linked diseases."