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既警告又宣讲福音是必须的。It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize.

既要宣讲福音,也要给予警告。It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize.

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在这种情况下,实在难以传福音,也难以欢迎或祝福。It's hard to evangelize or welcome or bless people in such conditions.

鼓励拥护者向企业中的其他人宣传该产品。Encouraging champions to evangelize the product to others in the organization.

耶稣差派门徒出去布道时为何对他们有这些吩咐?Why Jesus gave His disciples those instructions when He sent them out to evangelize?

当然,这是一件双刃武器,不仅要宣传讲福音,还要给予警告。This is a two-edged weapon, of course. It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize.

就如同康熙说的,有没有任何一个欧洲王公会允许他派遣和尚过去“和谐”他们的国家?As Kangxi said, would any European prince allow him to send monks to evangelize in their country?

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年轻的企业家开始迫不及待地利用这些节目来向公众传达自己的理念。Young entrepreneurs now actively turn to these programs to evangelize their ideas in the public eye.

在肯尼迪博士出现之后,人就不能说加尔文主义者因他们神学的缘故不能传福音。After Dr. Kennedy it became impossible to say that Calvinists can’t evangelize because of their theology.

加入到Clipperz努力向开源Web项目维护者传播AGPL好处的行列中来。Join Clipperz in its effort to evangelize the benefits of AGPL to the maintainers of open source web projects.

中国基督徒试图向穆斯林传福音是伊斯兰教有史以来所面对的最大的威胁。The Chinese Christian intention to evangelize Moslems is the greatest threat the religion of Islam has ever faced.

如果非要说工作有什么价值的话,仅仅是满足生存的需要或者工作场所可以作为战略上的临时演说台来接触非信徒。If it has any value at all, it is only to meet survival needs or as a strategic soapbox to evangelize non-believers.

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我们的任务是借助上帝的作为和他的圣灵向迷失的人们传播福音,唤醒被拯救者让他们过上该过的生活。Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit.

除非他是在一家专门负责技术推广的软件服务公司工作,那样他必须开放思想并且愿意接受改变。Unless you work for a software as services company, and it is your job to evangelize the product, be open-minded and willing to change.

我感觉到,对中国——我们这大家庭的一份子,传扬这福音的喜讯是我们的使命的一部分。Surrounded by 400 others of my Legionary family, I felt this to be a part of our call to evangelize China, my extended family and patria.

这些代表由90年的圣母圣心会传教士从680比利时和荷兰谁去传福音在中国总共有显着的努力。These 90 years represent a remarkable effort by a total of 680 CICM missionaries from Belgium and Holland who went to evangelize in China.

如果乔布斯可以搞定出版商,我们可以看到带有所有本垒打、投篮得分、击倒对手的精彩视频片段的体育报道。If Steve can evangelize the publishers, we could get our sports pages with streamed highlight clips of all the home-runs, field goals, and KOs.

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而是告诉我们传福音和教导门徒遵循上帝的话语,上帝的话语向我们展示的生活方式比单独的传福音生活要广阔的多。Instead, it tells us to evangelize and teach people to obey all of God's Word, and God's Word shows us a lifestyle much broader than evangelism alone.

鸦片贸易被合法化,而传教权也得到了保证,这导致中国人更加认清了自己的压迫者。The opium trade was legalized and the right of Christians to evangelize was secured, which prompted the Chinese, once again, to turn on their oppressors.

虽然我们可以在组织内传播最有效的流程,然而最终的成功却必须由企业所有成员来创造。While we can help evangelize the most effective process within your organization, it’s ultimately up to all members of the business to make it a success.