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请准时入馆。Please arrive on time.

未来果真会来到吗?Will the future arrive?

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严格按规定时间到岗和离岗。Arrive and leave on time.

他随时都可能到达。He may arrive any instant.

崭新的黎明就要来临。A new dawn seemd to arrive.

也可以到天荒地老。Also can arrive everlasting.

你一到达目的地就打开行李。Unpack as soon as you arrive.

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我们到达马莱拉的学校。We arrive at Malala's school.

我们到达时就打电报。We will cable when we arrive.

我们什么时候到达下一站?When did you arrive in London?

我们何时到达香港?When do we arrive at Hongkong?

你到达时请打电报给我。Please wire me when you arrive.

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这本书一周之内能到货吗?。Will the book arrive in a week?

大队人马随后就到。The main force will arrive soon.

尝试每次都早到几分钟。Try to arrive few minutes early.

咱们必需准时到那儿。We ought to arrive tITe on time.

他是首批到达的人员之一。He was among the forst to arrive.

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他是首批到达的职员之一。He was among the forst to arrive.

我笑著蹭到他怀?。I smile Ceng to arrive his bosom.

那里的客户现在可以划着船去那里。Its customers now arrive by boat.