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对新产品开发工作在OTS阶段有独立处理权。Full responsibility of OTS develop phase in new project.

从沙士疫区前来的旅客将被隔离十天。Travelers from SARS hot ots are being isolated for 10 days.

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喂,莫尼卡,我有一个问题我没看见有塔特酒。Hey, Monica, I got a question. I don't see any T ator T ots.

维佳物流是国际知名的奥思集团旗下之分支机构。Vanguard Logistics Services is a subsidiary of the OTS Logistics Group.

全球大部分基本港口均可安排每周二班的稳定船期服务。Otherwise, OTS can provide service semiweekly to most of the basic ports in the world.

参与解决OTS样品在试制阶段的工艺技术问题。Participate in solve working process technical problem in the OTS sample making period.

那些理疗师和职业治疗师是非常专业的而且爱他们的工作,乐于帮助病人恢复。Those PTs and OTs are very professional and love their job, love to help patient get better.

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我们观测到随着吸烟源距离的增加,户外烟草浓度有很明显的下降。We observed a clear reduction in OTS levels as the distance from a tobacco source increased.

英维思将提供一系列同OTS的安装相关的专业服务。Invensys will provide a range of professional services in connection with the OTS implementation.

而使我坚持信念和理想,并且帮助我度过难关的就是我从无穷智慧所获得的信。It was my faith in Infinite Intelligence that that tided me over these rough ots and saw me through.

与此同时,橙色郁金香项目也为计划去荷兰攻读专升本项目的中国学生打开了希望之门。In addition, the OTS also opens the door for students who look for final-year bachelor programmes in the Netherlands.

OTS对于供给商和客户之间的贸易往来是一个对双方均有益的价值提升的实体。OTS is a value added entity in the business transaction between suppliers and clients for the benefit of both parties.

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生活的表面就是遇到它所有的摩擦时,让你的肉在摩擦的同时长出茧来。To live on the surface of life is to meet all ots frictions and either get rubbed raw by them, or grow callused to them.

OCC和OTS官员拒绝评论这对第四季止赎数字会有什麽影响.Officials from the OCC and OTS declined to say what type of impact this might have on fourth-quarter foreclosure numbers.

我们提供广泛的处方药,非处方药,使得以极低的成本和竞争的条件。We offer wide range of prescription medicine , nonprescription medicine, OTS at very low cost and competitive terms and conditions.

对组织理论历史发展的回顾和评论构成了对于组织的边界和内容进行规范理论界定的实用替代。Consequently, a historical review of the development of OTs functions as a pragmatic substitute of normative theorization in defining the boundary and contents of this field.

建立、健全各站设备台帐、技术台帐、规章制度,组织各站进行设备操作规程编订、补充、完善工作,杜绝违章操作。Set up OTS equipment data system, technique data system, and kinds of regulations, organize OTS to draft, amend, and complete the operation procedures to prevent wrong action.

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从楼花按揭实务的特征出发,探讨其法律定位问题,从而对楼花按揭的制度完善提出几点建议。Taking measures from the characteristics of equitable mortgage practice, discusses ots legal status, puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the system of equitable mortgage.

总的来说,离一个单一的吸烟源0.5米以内的烟草浓度的平均水平非常高。Generally, average levels within 0.5 m from a single cigarette source were quite high and comparable to indoor levels, and OTS levels at distances greater than 1 or 2m were much lower.

我们不认为“高仇恨坦克”是个好的职业特性,当然在特定情况下对仇恨的追求也是可以理解的,但是现在圣骑2T经常在战斗中不小心接手了MT的位置。We don't think "high threat tanks" is a fun niche for the game. We don't mind some variation depending on the specific situation, but paladin OTs were accidentally pulling off of MTs an awful lot.