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在1880年一个著名的传教士的布道会上,美国的传福音者W。In a famous missionary sermon in 1880, the American evangelist W. E.

他开始宣传私人投资对加速增长的影响。He became an evangelist for the power of private investment to turbocharge growth.

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他奉上帝的名严肃地嘱咐这个青年的传道人留在该地工作。In the name of God he solemnly adjured the young evangelist to remain and labor here.

她是一位远近闻名,颇有影响的福音传道士,是教会的一根顶梁柱。She was one of the pillars of the church, a powerful evangelist and very widely known.

有一个加速此过程的途径,就是在组织里设一个敏捷传道士的角色。One way of expediting this is to create a role of an agile evangelist in the organization.

“这意味着你可以看到你的盲点汽车,”阮武说,英特尔技术的传播者。"It means you can see cars in your blindspot, " said Vu Nguyen, Intel technology evangelist.

但凭着已售出的200万册指南,他的确是一位传播福音的原教主义者。But with more than 2 million copies sold, he's one evangelist who is spreading the good news.

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该场所属于传教士托尼。阿勒牟所有,但他否认与此案有关。The compound belongs to evangelist Tony Alamo . He's denying any involvement with pornography.

约翰参加了这个晚会,他的不礼貌行为破坏了大家的兴致。Evangelist joined the gathering and spoiled the happiness of everybody by his brattish behavior.

就像你们许多人知道的那样,我父亲是一个传福音的人,或者范学德传道,我的妈妈也是一个信徒。My father, as you may know, is the evangelist or missionary Fan Xue De. Mymother is also a believer.

我在一次克的聚会上遇见过一位先生,我戏称他为“克里希那穆提传教士”。There is a gentleman I met at a Krishnamurti gathering whom I nicknamed "the Krishnamurti Evangelist".

研究进展如此令人振奋,以至于特隆博士在谈到自动汽车时语气好似布道。Advances have been so encouraging that Dr. Thrun sounds like an evangelist when he speaks of robot cars.

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一位福音派领袖,曾称我们的基督教改革宗为「熟睡的巨人」。A leading evangelist once referred to my denomination, the Christian Reformed Church, as "a sleeping giant."

传教士总是直来直往,对软件开发很懂得,但却很少真正的去编码。The Evangelist is outspoken, knows an awful lot about software development, but performs very little actual programming.

第3章描述了“传道者”模式,其包括四种较小的模式,涵盖了整个的变革过程。Chapter 3 describes the "Evangelist" pattern, which encompasses four smaller patterns covering the entire change process.

他有很多头衔,从业务开发经理和宣传者到解决方案设计师和合同谈判代表。He gets to wear many hats, from business development manger and evangelist to solution architect and contract negotiator.

相信加尔文主义的福音传道人,这种观念在16,17,18或19世纪都不会让人感到惊奇。The idea of a Calvinistic Evangelist would not have struck anyone as surprising in the 16th, 17th, 18th, or 19th Century.

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这本书是一位信奉文字福音主义的王牌教师送给我的礼物,也即那个有充足理给使我不及格的人。The book was a present from an ace teacher, a literary evangelist in classy shoes, who also flunked me, of course, with good reason.

“你是不太可能尝试做的,”瑟夫说,谷歌首席互联网传道者和互联网的奠基人之一。You are less likely to try things out, " said Vint Cerf, Google's chief internet evangelist and one of the internet's founding fathers."

作为临济宗的传承者,宗杲的心性思想主要来自临济义玄、杨歧方会、圆悟克勤等人。As the evangelist of the Linji sect, Zonggao's thought on nature mainly originates from Yixuan in Linji, Fanghui in Yangqi and Keqin, etc.