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你能肯定吗,温迪?Are you sure, Wendy?

文帝十一哥健康的男孩。Wendy is a healthy boy.

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温迪还在搂着娜娜。And still Wendy hugged Nana.

安迪和温迪都九岁了。Andy and Wendy are both nine.

我、温娣和苏绮合住一套房。I share it with Wendy and Sue.

艾米和温迪有线绳。Amy and Wendy have some string.

你听说了温蒂和葛雷格的事了吗?Did you hear about Wendy and Greg?

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叮叮铃非常嫉妒温蒂。Tinker Bell is very jealous of Wendy.

温迪一年级的数学考试不及格。Wendy did very well in her math exam.

我是中国龙集团的WENDY。我们是英国公司的采购处。I am Wendy from China Dragon Group Ltd.

小叮当不想去帮助温蒂。Tinker Bell doesn't went to help Wendy.

我们不久就应可以收到温迪的信。We ought to be hearing from Wendy soon.

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温蒂向正要进办公室的迈可打招呼。Wendy greets Michael as he enters the office.

后来温蒂就带我参观了一下办公室。Anyway, Wendy then shows me around the office.

丹尼斯加入了温蒂与迈可的对话。Dennis joins Wendy and Michael's conversation.

温迪麦克尼尔的黑安格斯的音乐录像。Music video for Wendy McNeill's "Black Angus".

温迪虽然四十岁了,还能做劈叉。Wendy can still do splits though she is forty.

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温迪有副好嗓子,她是个很棒的歌手。Wendy has a good voice. She is a great singer.

小兴安岭是多么美丽的一座大花园啊!Wendy hopes to have a house with a big garden.

我的中文名字叫王兰。就叫我温蒂吧。My Chinese name is Wang Lan. Just call me Wendy.