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删除无关紧要的空话。Slough off unimportant verbiage.

希望可以使她摆脱悲伤。A hope could slough off her sadness.

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但不要陷入绝望的泥沼。But do not fall into slough of despond.

开往伦敦的车辆现绕道经过斯劳。London-bound traffic is being diverted via Slough.

蔬菜荷荷巴微珠磨砂——温和去除死皮细胞。Provide gentle exfoliation to slough off dull skin cells.

好呀,你把林惇和这样的消遣一起丢入了‘绝望的深渊’啦。Well, you dropped Linton with it into a slough of despond.

随着年龄的增长,人的食欲就会减弱。With the increasing of the age, the appetite would slough.

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我们必须得做点什么,让他不再绝望。We must do something to save him from the slough of Despond.

此外,还可以帮助去除可导致堵塞的死皮。It also helps slough away dead skin that can lead to clogging.

由盐和柠檬汁制成的溶液可以除去死皮。Solution made of salt and lemon also slough off dead skin cells.

没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。——哈尔西。There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond.

公司要学会怎样放弃,要勇于抛弃昨日的成就。Companies need to learn how to unlearn , to slough off yesterdays wisdom.

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罗拉在大泥潭边的水井里提上一桶水。Laura drew up a pailful of water from the well at the edge of the Big slough.

劳尔斯·劳易斯的标志除了双R之外,还有著名的飞人标志。Raul Slough Lewis signs in addition to double-R, there is the famous trapeze signs.

有效的管理者打算做一项新的业务,一定先删除一项原有业务。The effectiveness excutive will slough off an activity before he starts on a new one.

我们将摒弃不良习惯、进行机构改革并重新融入世界。We’ll have to slough off bad habits, reform our institutions, and reengage the world.

突然,他发现蝉蜕的样子很特别,很像人的样子。All of a sudden, he found the cicada slough look very special and resembled a human being.

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细腻的磨砂颗粒帮助去除被溶解的角质,使粗糙晦暗不均匀的皮肤重现柔嫩和光泽。Micro-exfoliators help slough away rough, dull, uneven skin for a more radiant complexion.

斯劳人决定留下希尔顿,霍华德于是取消了这个协会。Slough decided they wanted to keep Mr Hilton anyway — and Mr Howard then suspended the association.

经理因急于签订合同,想把合同中的问题敷衍一下了事。The manager tried to slough over the problems in the contract because he was keen to get it signed.