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气象人员怎么说的?What did the weatherman say?

一个气象员进入房间。A weatherman entered the room.

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这是那位天气预报员说的吗?Is that what the weatherman says?

气象员说今天很热。The weatherman said it would be warm today.

气象员说今天是晴天,但天却阴沉得厉害。The weatherman said it would be clear cloudy.

天气预报说今天转晴。The weatherman says it 's going to fair today.

气象预报说,今天天气会转晴。The weatherman says it is going to be fair today.

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气象员告诫我们说路面有冰冻。The weatherman warned us that the roads were icy.

气象员说今天大部份时间天睛,气温和暖。The weatherman says it will be mostly sunny and fairly warm.

气象员每天广播天气预报。The weatherman broadcasts the forecast of whether every night.

大约180C。天气预报员说还会持续几天。It's about 180C. And the weatherman said it would last a few days.

天气预报雨几天内会有一场雨。The weatherman said that a thunder storm is hitting us these days.

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天气预报员预报明天有雪,所以带件暖和的外套吧。The weatherman forecasts snow for tomorrow, so bring a warm jacket.

天气预报员说,在这个周末之前,会有一阵子的冷天气。The weatherman says we’ll have a cold spell before the end of this week.

气象员报有雨,给我们的野餐计划泼了冷水。The weatherman threw a wet blanket on our picnic plan when he forecast rain.

气象预报员说,暖锋将停滞数天不移动。The weatherman said that the warm front would be stationary for several days.

气象员进入会议室,他报告说天气很快就会好转。A weatherman entered the room. He reported that the weather would soon improve.

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BBC气象主持人身穿毛衣和牛仔裤主持节目引起了众多观众的不满。The complaints rolled in after a BBC weatherman wore jeans and a jumper on air.

气象员说今天很热。他一定是在澡堂里作出的这一预报。The weatherman said it would be warm today. He must have made it in His bathroom.

如果从老天那里得不到阳光,那么从天气预报员那儿听到这个词也算是个补偿。If we can't get it in the sky, hearing it from the weatherman will be a compensation.