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他是一个彻头彻尾的恶棍。He is a thorough scoundrel.

她认为他是一个恶棍。She described him as a scoundrel.

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这坏蛋得整治一下。That scoundrel needs to be punished.

他们把这个人说成是一个恶棍。They described the man as a scoundrel.

这个恶棍心生歹意!That scoundrel harbored a murderous heart.

那家商店的老板是这个镇上的地头蛇。That shopkeeper is a scoundrel in the town.

人们叫他恶棍。He was designated by the name as a scoundrel.

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恶棍勒索老人的钱财。The scoundrel pinched money from the old man.

莘济亚,这个恶棍在这干什么呀?And what is this scoundrel doing here, Cynthia?

你这个无法无天的流氓,好大胆子,竟敢跟我说这种话。You infernal scoundrel , how dare you tell me that?

可是拉蒂巴姨,那你为什么还管那个无赖叫兄弟呢?But Ratti Bai, why do you call that scoundrel a brother?

她的丈夫在法庭上被描绘成一个好色的无赖。Her husband was described in court as a lecherous scoundrel.

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无赖的恶徒,行动就用乖僻的口。A scoundrel and villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth.

雅各布是个连他自己母亲的东西都要抢窃的恶贯满盈的坏蛋!Jacob is a double-dyed scoundrel who would rob his own mother!

凭什么我们要和像你这样臭名昭彰的恶棍打交道?Why should we make a deal with a notorious scoundrel like you?

第三个叫阿特肯森的无赖补充说。" added the third monster, a scoundrel by the name of Atkinson.

以前将他当作一个开路先锋,现在却成了个玩弄女性的坏蛋。He now looked like a scoundrel where he had once been a pioneer.

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听你的言外之意,他是个不折不扣的恶棍。I gather by what you have not said that he's an unmitigated scoundrel.

她用不着利用萨米·泰勒这样的无赖来压价。She doesn't need to use a scoundrel like Sammy Tyler to get lower price.

这名歹徒留着一头棕色的长发并且蒙着面,骑着摩托车。The scoundrel had long brown hair, his face covered and rode a motorcar.