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组合了热转换和冷转换。Hot Cutover and Cold Cutover are combined.

如果切换成功,旧的节点将退役。If the cutover is successful, the old node is decommissioned.

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切换的执行就像故障转移测试的第一部分。Cutover is executed just like the first part of a failover test.

仔细地评估这些考虑事项,努力地测试此新转换过程。Carefully evaluated these concerns and heavily test this new cutover process.

转换是将产品或更确切地说是将软件从一个版本升级到另一个版本的过程。Cutover is a process of upgrading a products or rather software from release to release.

正如您所看到的,在整个转换过程中,有多次的数据库导出和导入。As you see there are a few database exports and imports during the whole cutover process.

通常,故障转移涉及到一个独立于实际切换执行的扩建阶段。Typically failover involves a buildout phase independent of the actual cutover execution.

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如前所述,转换是将软件从一个版本升级到另一个版本的过程。As mentioned before, the cutover is the process of upgrading software from release to release.

这通过下面四个阶段达到,即热平台、热转换、冷转换和冷平台。This is achieved by following four stages, namely hot platform, hot cutover, cold cutover and cold platform.

就在几十年前,18世纪70年代,联邦政府开始接管那些因拖欠税款而丧失使用权的砍伐迹地。Just decades earlier, in the 1870s, the state had begun taking over parcels of cutover land forfeited for nonpayment of taxes.

这个新的转换过程被认为可以显著减少系统和数据库总的停机时间,但是有两点需要考虑This new cutover process is suspected to significantly cut down on total system and database downtime, but there are two concerns

文艺批评可以在文本形态、传播方式、切入支点、表述风格等四个方面来拓展话语空间。The criticism in literary and art can expand discourse space in text forms, communicative manner, cutover pivot and expressive style.

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在12块采伐迹地标准地调查中,共出现天然更新的乔灌木树种13种,487株。In the research on 12 standard plots of cutover land, there were 13 tree and shrub species and 487 seedlings for natural regeneration.

由于新的队列管理器可以与现有的队列管理器和平共存,因此可以在切换之前充分测试该部署。Because the new queue manager can peacefully coexist with the existing one, it is possible to test much of the deployment well ahead of cutover.

这样就使得业务合作伙伴能够确定对其应用程序和自己的工作负载可行的退役计划。This enabled each business partner to determine a schedule for cutover that made sense for their application and was feasible given his own work load.

部署计划提供了一个详细的事件进度计划,人员职责,以及必要的事件依赖,以确保对新系统的成功完成。The Deployment Plan provides a detailed schedule of events, persons responsible, and event dependencies required to ensure successful cutover to the new system.

目前,胡杨林已普遍呈不同程度退化,以塔里木盆地为例,垦伐等人为因素使林地总面积迅速减少。In the case of the Tarim Basin, the area of Populus euphratica forests has shrunk quickly duo to the artificial factors such as reclamation and cutover forest and etc.

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天源迪科计费史上具有里程碑意义的“上海电信融合计费项目”在上海成功割接上线。The "Shanghai Telecom convergent billing project" was successfully cutover then collected on line in Shanghai, which considered as the milestone of TYDIC billing history.

本文详细介绍了山东邮政信息网两网合一优化改造设计和网络割接方案设计及实施步骤。This article introduces the plan of integration of two network for ShanDong Post information network and cutover and implementation of programs and procedures. in detail.

在这样的大背景下,中国电信提出了基于OCS的在线融合计费系统的设计方案,并于2009年在山东电信正式割接试运行。In this background, the design programs of online charging system based on OCS were proposed by China Telecom, and in 2009, the official cutover test was ran by Shandong Telecom.