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谁是那小白脸,你可别乱说。Who is that, you don't blather.

人生的短暂和脆弱。That human frailty you blather about.

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我理解,我不会出去乱说的。I understand that I can't go out to blather.

的舌头的,看他还怎么乱说话。Of tongue of, see him returning how to blather words.

好了不说废话了下面我来谈谈我是怎么来增加IP的。Good did not blather below I will talk about me is how to increase IP.

换句话说,那里会有物质反弹回来,那个人会继续喋喋不休。Namely, that there was material, it rebounded, the chap continued to blather on.

不敢乱说饭司众多的唠叨坏话,先笑一个进入正题。Dare not to blather numerous loquacious ill of rice department, smile 1 first into a positive.

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可别提赛马。他一旦讲起这个话题来就喋喋不休说个不完。Don't mention horse racing. He'll just blather about the subject for hours once he gets started.

抛开有关银行业透明度的胡言乱语,这才是这次会议需要达成的核心协议。When you strip out the blather about bank transparency and such, this is the core bargain that needs to be struck.

蒋升失势的事在坊间流传,小田还在公司与同事乱说蒋升是非,蒋升对小田大为不满。Jiang Sheng lose things in there are rumours, oda blather Jiang Sheng is with my colleagues in the company, also Jiang Sheng of oda.

人们喋喋不休地谈论“知识经济”,其核心信念是更多的高等教育意味着更高的生产力和更多的财富。Amid much blather about the "knowledge economy" the core of this belief is that more higher education means higher productivity and more wealth.

一直以来,评论界都有一种“噢天啦,看那伟岸的中国正赶超美国”的意见。There's been a lot of oh-my-God-China-is-eating-America's-lunch-have-you-seen-how-pretty-their-infrastructure-is?-kind of blather among the commentariat.

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本文作者明显表现出对相关人类历史和群体遗传学知之甚少,结果苍白无力并有性歧视等胡说八道。This writer appearsto have a very poor grasp of the relevant human history and population geneticsin general. The result is poorly informed and sexist blather.

中国人学习英文,精读、精听、精说有余,但泛读、泛听远远不够,大量的乱说就更不够了。Chinese to learn English, intensive reading, fine listens, goblin said more than, but reading, pan-listens is far from enough, a large number of blather more insufficient.