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发生这种情况,因为这是最流行的畜现货。This happens because this is the most popular petting spot.

漫步在扬柳清风的路上,全身的肌肉和细胞都被放松激活。Walking on the road with willow leaves Petting on our head.

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可是莎莱突然决定不要摸羊了,她要去骑羊!Instead of petting them, all of a sudden, she tried to ride one!

母亲的脚上有一层茧,我小心的抚摸。Mother's feet have a layer of the cocoon I be careful of petting.

在你进入她之前,通过有力地爱抚让她尽可能的“湿”。Make her as wet as possible through heavy petting before you enter her.

叮嘱小孩在亲抚任何一只狗时都要先经过狗主人的批准。Teach your child to ask a dog owner for permission before petting any dog.

我只想去可爱动物区跟可爱的小羊一起玩。I just want to go to the petting zoo and play with some pretty little lambs.

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抚摸婴儿脸蛋,感觉自己的手像锉,对不起,你已经老了。Petting infant's face, felling oneself of be like Cuo, sorry, you already old.

养宠物的成年人血压和心率都比较低。Petting pets has been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rates in adults.

听着,你和我一起走路的时候不准摸老鼠。你还记得我们要去哪儿吗?Well, you aint petting no mice while you walk with me. You remember where were goin now?

抚弄猫咪、拥抱猫咪其实都可以降低皮质醇---也就是「压力贺尔蒙」。Petting and cuddling your cat can actually reduce cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone."

免受烤炉之灾的这两只火鸡在一个儿童爱畜园渡过余生。The two fowl, spared from the oven, live out the rest of their lives at a children’s petting zoo.

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按摩、养小狗甚至和朋友吃饭,这些都能够激发催生素的释放,Zak说。Massage, petting a dog, even eating food with a friend can trigger the chemical's release, says Zak.

他用熟练的动作把手伸向脑后,梳弄着他的马尾辫子,好像在抚弄着一只小猫或者是一只白鼬。He reached back in a practiced gesture to smooth down his ponytail, as if he were petting a cat or a ferret.

游客可以在近距离接触区喂食长颈鹿,并在可爱动物区抚摸其中一些动物。Visitors can feed giraffes in the Close Encounters area and touch some of the zoo animals in the Petting Yard.

他关闭了他那所3000英亩的梦幻农场,连同里面的游乐园,宠物园与儿童塑像。He shut down his 3,000-acre Neverland Ranch, with its amusement park rides, petting zoo and statues of children.

美国总统每年会“赦免”一只火鸡,这只火鸡可在宠物园度过余生,免遭成为盘中餐的命运。S. president, who spares the bird from the dinner table. The bird goes on to live out its life at a petting zoo.

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而沙恩却显得异常平静,他最后一次摸了摸那只老狗。我不知是否沙恩明白将发生什么事。Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.

奴隶看到狮子后松了一口气,所以他开始拍拍狮子,对牠流露出关爱之情。The slave was relieved to see the lion , so he started petting the lion to show his affection toward the animal.

某些女孩是通过与男孩“爱抚”被男孩子所引见的,而其他女孩在书籍或杂志里阅读而知。Some of them are introduced to it through " petting " with a boy, and others read about it in books or magazines.