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那座山上有很多含磷的石头。There are many phosphoric stones on the hill.

可乐中的活跃成份就是含磷的酸性物质。The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.

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锐钛型钛白粉加入磷酸的探讨?。Why add phosphoric acid in anatase titanium dioxide?

由于可乐内含磷酸,因此其除锈效果特佳。Cola dissolves rust quite nicely as it has phosphoric acid.

着重介绍了BESA湿法磷酸的净化工艺。The article deals with the BESA phosphoric acid process by wet purification.

主要产品有磷酸,磷酸盐和激活搁浅地球。The main products are phosphoric acid, phosphates and activated beaching earth.

研究了铀酰离子在磷酸体系中的发光现象。Uranyl luminescence in phosphoric acid system is studied in this communication.

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负载磷氧化物提高了CNF催化剂的适用温度,并提高了丙烯产得率。The gasifying temperature of CNF increases by supported phosphoric oxides on CNF.

利用中低品位磷矿制取工业级磷酸。Industrial-grade phosphoric acid was produced by using mid-low-grade phosphate rock.

对铝在磷酸溶液中的恒压阳极氧化过程进行了研究。The anodizing process of aluminum in phosphoric acid solution has been investigated.

磷酸与木质素发生缩聚反应是变色的主要原因。This was main cause of polycondensation reaction between phosphoric acid and lignin.

本文介绍了采用阴离子交换树脂,从磷矿石中直接制取磷酸的方法。Methods of direct prodction of phosphoric acid from the phosphatic rock are described.

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研究选用磷酸作粘结剂,使碎磷矿粉粘结成型。Phosphoric acid was selected as bond to make phosphate rock powder into ball material.

磷蛋白,磷朊一组蛋白质中的任一个,如酪蛋白,化学上含有稳定的磷酸。Any of a group of proteins, such as casein, containing chemically bound phosphoric acid.

肉毒菌在碎蒜中爆发后,美国食品及药物管理局告诉加工者添加磷酸。After the outbreak in chopped garlic, the FDA told garlic processors add phosphoric acid.

它是组成,其中大部分B族维生素,磷酸,胆碱,亚油酸和肌醇。It is composed mostly of B vitamins, phosphoric acid, choline, linoleic acid and inositol.

介绍黄麦岭磷酸装置化工泵的选用情况以及在试生产期间产生的问题及解决办法。Selection and usage of chemical pump in phosphoric acid plant of Huangmalin chemical Corp.

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布登海姆公司是全球领先的精制磷酸和高品质磷酸盐的专业生产商。Budenheim is the leading specialist for food grade phosphoric acid and speciality phosphates.

介绍了国内外湿法磷酸净化的研究进展。Development in research on purification of wet-process phosphoric acid was introduced briefly.

中日合作在番禺建设了利用猪排泄物制沼气发电的磷酸燃料电池电站。A stationary 200 kW phosphoric acid fuel cell power station has been built in Panyu , Guangdong.