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都是些胡言乱语。It's gibberish.

你在睡梦里讲着呓语。You were talking gibberish in your sleep.

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这样做增加了一些无用的网址。Doing this adds some gibberish to the URL.

用洋话骂人吓唬男孩和女娃。Of oaths and gibberish frightening girls and boys.

5年前,这个问题简直就是胡言乱语。Five years ago, that question would have been gibberish.

他从出生起就咿咿呀呀,他现在还是说些听不懂的话。He's been babbling since he was born, and he's still speaking gibberish.

维尼克失语症患者的症状包括胡言乱语,并且经常不停地书写。People with Wernicke's aphasia speak in gibberish and often write constantly.

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索比在人行道上扯开那破锣似的嗓子,像醉鬼一样胡闹。On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice.

从酒吧出来后,他突然在路边大喊大叫,胡言乱语地说醉话。After he got out of the bar, he suddenly began to yell drunken gibberish on the sidewalk.

没有正确的解密系统,邮件内容不过是些乱码罢了。Without the proper decryption, the content of the message would just be digital gibberish.

被绑了的这个地球人有精神病,只会说胡话。外星人非常痛苦地想要和他交流。The human is mentally ill, and speaks only in gibberish. The aliens struggle to communicate with him.

由于对被传递的信息存在着极大的冲突,所以呈现出来时几乎总是胡言乱语。Since there is tremendous conflict over what it being relayed, it comes through, almost invariably, as gibberish.

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所以倘若你发现你的每次表白都以胡言乱语告终,那你大可放心。This may be reassuring if you find every time you meet the object of your affections you talk complete gibberish.

用这种方式制作出来的文字看起来相当接近伏尼契文,但是完全没有意义,也没有任何隐含的讯息。The text generated by this technique looks much like Voynichese, but it is merely gibberish , with no hidden message.

当他清醒过来,再次审视记载着他混乱思维的笔记本时,他看到的只是垃圾。Upon sobering up and looking at the notebook in which he had written his drug-addled thoughts, he saw only gibberish.

有一次他看完歌剧,回家后就开始原戏重演,并发明了只有自己才听得懂的语言。Once, after seeing an opera, Andersen came home and began to reenact the scenes, making up his own gibberish language.

“甲骨文的云有点不一样,”埃里森现在这样说,他似乎是在给关于云计算的对话添加一份属于他自己的“胡言乱语”。"The Oracle cloud is a little different, " Ellison now said, as if adding his own brand of gibberish to the cloud conversation.

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他们扛着我时,彼此间叽里咕噜地说话,听上去像松鼠的叫声,又像鹿粗声大气的咳嗽。As they carried me, they spoke to one an-other in a gibberish that sounded like the bark of a squirrel or the rough cough of a deer.

这些数据在窥探者看起来像胡言乱语,因为它从你的电脑先传到一个安全服务器然后再发布到互联网上。The data looks like gibberish to a snooper as it travels from your computer to a secure server before it is blasted onto the Internet.

索比在人行道上扯开那破锣似的嗓子,像醉鬼一样胡闹。他又跳,又吼,又叫,使尽各种伎俩来搅扰这苍穹。On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice. He danced, howled, raved , and otherwise disturbed the welkin.