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“不知道”布鲁诺回答。“No idea,” Bruno said.

布鲁诺盯着我看。Bruno looked me in the eye.

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布鲁诺骗取了那小孩子手里的钱。Bruno fleeced the kid of his money.

当我们还是小毛头的时候,我和布鲁诺就是好朋友了。Bruno and I were friends when we were boys.

我扶着自己上楼,在布鲁诺身边坐下。I dragged myself upstairs to sit with Bruno.

我把这个告诉了布鲁诺,但他误解了我的意思。I told Bruno about it, but he misunderstood.

我会询问我的朋友布鲁诺孔蒂的建议。I will call my friend Bruno Conti for advice.

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玛塞拉和布鲁诺家里没有电脑。Marcella and Bruno don't have a computer at home.

布鲁诺还无法理解他弟弟诙谐的举止。Bruno has not got his younger brother's jokey manner.

巴黎人布鲁诺·方丹正在河畔小憩。Parisian Bruno Fontaine is relaxing by the edge of the river.

此外,我们还有由歌手,词曲作者和音乐制作人布鲁诺火星。And we have music by singer, songwriter and producer Bruno Mars.

我们都爱布鲁诺·马尔斯迷人的歌词和勾人的眼神。We love Bruno Mars for his charming lyrics and that sultry stare.

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公交站台也能有秋千!伦敦的公交公司就很有爱。Bruno Taylor equipped one of the bus stops in London with a swing.

已经确认刘易斯的下一场拳击赛将对阵布鲁诺。It has been confirmed that Lewis's next fight will be against Bruno.

布鲁诺差不多是同时来到他的桌子跟前,也坐了下来。Almost immediately Bruno Tattaglia had come to his table and sat down.

室内设计的展览大厅,是委讬给Ombra布鲁诺。The interior design of the exhibition halls is entrusted to Ombra Bruno.

在他休息的时候,柏波罗看到他的老朋友布鲁诺还在费力地运水。During his rest, Boboro saw his old friend Bruno still wading through water.

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一位评论家形容为具有十近乎完美的流行歌曲布鲁诺火星的专辑。One critic described Bruno Mars's album as having ten near-perfect pop songs.

不过,布鲁诺清楚地知道,他不能停留在自己的桂冠上而不思进取。Still, Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels.

尽管艰辛,但她活了下来,也很高兴看到布鲁诺还活着。Despite the hardships she managed to survive and was happy to see Bruno alive aswell.