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你的职业是啥子?。May Iknow your vocation?

对于迪尔凯姆来说社会学是一种职业。For Durkheim, sociology was a vocation.

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我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?Can I ask about the vocation and sickly?

于是,原先理想的职业失去了原有的色彩。So, the ideal vocation lose its lusters.

看来她具备治病救人的才能。She seems to have a vocation for healing.

他的职业同他的爱好完全一致。His vocation coincides with his avocation.

你想要改变西安有职业吗?b. Are you willing to change your vocation?

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我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?Can I ask about the vocation and sick leave?

原本有很多暑假计划都将化成汤水!Many original vocation plans have been ruined!

她具备从事这项职业的知识。She was equipped with knowledge for the vocation.

海员是他的幼小心灵中梦想的职业。Sailor was the vocation his little heart dreamed of.

教书是我的职业,写作是我的副业。Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation.

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布思是一个坚定不移地奉行其基督徒天职的宗教复兴运动者。Booth was a revivalist intent on his Christian vocation.

屋主外出度假时,有贼破门进入。Thief broke out the door when the owner was on vocation.

在田园诗范畴内诗的职业就是牧羊。This is the vocation of poetry in this pastoral lexicon.

戴维森是在2001年开始寻找新职业的。It was 2001 when Mr. Davidsson looked for a new vocation.

她的自信和职业使命感从未动摇。Her belief in herself and sense of vocation were never shaken.

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十一长假已过,让我们继续学习吧!Afer the" eight day " vocation , let us start learning english!

而天命就象上帝地训诫,传奇私副,它无可逃避。But vocation acts like a law of God from which there is no escape.

我现在是衡阳工业职业学校的英语老师。Now I'm an English teacher in Hengyang Industrial Vocation School.