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我是鲍勃道蒂。I'm Bob Doughty.

我和鲍勃•道蒂。And I'm Bob Doughty.

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签名档我跑只因我渴望拥有强悍的人生!I run because I am keen to live a doughty life!

以下由鲍勃?道蒂朗读丹尼尔?伯切的日记。Bob Doughty reads from the diary of Daniel Bursch.

繁漪那火炽热情,强悍灵魂的本质是时代的觉醒。Fan Yi' s passion and doughty soul are epoch arousal.

下面是史蒂夫恩贝尔和鲍勃道蒂继续这个故事。Here are Steve Ember and Bob Doughty to continue the story.

鲍伯-道蒂来给我们讲述有关著名播音员约翰-梅登的故事。Bob Doughty tells us more about popular broadcaster John Madden.

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而这是美国之音特别英语教育报道。我是鲍勃道蒂。And that's the VOA Special English Education Report. I'm Bob Doughty.

“刚美”是张玉能先生近几年提出的一个美学范畴。Doughty beauty is an aesthetic category that has been advanced by Mr.

现在,鲍勃道蒂讲述了今年夏季开放一些其他电影我们。Now, Bob Doughty tells us about some other movies opening this summer.

“刚美”就是一种刚烈、劲健之美。Doughty beauty is a kind of beauty which is doughty and ardent, powerful and healthy.

这美国之音特别英语卫生报告的作者是辛西娅柯克。这是鲍勃道蒂。This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Cynthia Kirk. This is Bob Doughty.

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尽管如此,历史上的确存在那种所谓的僵硬却又勇敢的英国人。Nonetheless, there really was once something to the notion of the stiff but doughty Brit.

以上是VOA特别英语教育报道。由南希·斯坦芭撰稿。我是鲍勃·道蒂。And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. I'm Bob Doughty.

你一直在听VOA美国之音慢速英语节目,文字和他们的故事。这是鲍勃道蒂。You have been listening to the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. This is Bob Doughty.

以上是VOA慢速英语之农业报道,由杰瑞林·沃森和史蒂夫·巴拉格纳共同撰写,我是鲍勃·道特。And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson with Steve Baragona. I'm Bob Doughty.

刚强的马大翠不能原谅熊克俭,独自带着孩子和婆婆艰难度日。Doughty Martha is emerald green cannot excuse Xiong Kejian, taking the child and mother-in-law hardship to live alone.

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慧聪作风相当强悍,是不会给邓白氏留下任何从自己手里挖客户资源的机会的。Hui Cong style is quite doughty , won't leave any opportunities that dig client natural resources from him hand to Deng Bai.

不过既勇敢又有耐心的读者将会对物理的诡谲与启发性略有所悟。But readers who are both doughty and patient will be rewarded with a glimpse of physics at its quirkiest and most illuminating.

先生用他刚强的身体猛烈地撞击着我,我也用柔弱的身体回应他,彼此交融在一起。The gentleman is bumping me with his doughty body fiercely, I also respond to him with effeminate body, each other blend together.