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他打了个大呵欠。He yawned heavily.

军队损失惨重。The army lost heavily.

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兰登深深叹了口气。Langdon sighed heavily.

他使我们大笑不止。He made us laugh heavily.

他烟吸得很厉害。He is smoking very heavily.

关隘有重兵把守。The pass was heavily guarded.

我爷爷抽烟抽得厉害。My grandfather smokes heavily.

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马正喘着粗气。The horse was blowing heavily.

“我不能,”她沉郁说道。“"I cannot, " she said heavily.

霉味或很重的味在衣服上。Mildew or heavily odor garment.

那只鹅扇着沉重的翅膀飞走了。The goose flapped heavily away.

果实累累的树木。Trees heavily laden with fruit.

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他在赛马赌博中下大赌注。He gambled heavily on the horses.

爬得高,跌得重。He thatclimbs high falls heavily.

爬得高,摔得重。He who climbs high falls heavily.

杰贝兹·威尔逊先生大笑起来。Mr. Jabez Wilson laughed heavily.

罗玛重重叹了口气,继续说道。Roma sighs heavily and continues.

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她在跑步之后重重地喘着气。She panted heavily after running.

他摔得很重,手臂都摔断了。He fell heavily and broke his arm.

爬得越高,摔得越重。He that climbs high falls heavily.