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中药气雾剂技术呈现缓慢发展的状况,但不乏个别表现突出的品种。A relatively slow developing trend was shown, however, good protrusive kinds of TCM aerosols are not seldom.

人口与土地的矛盾是清中叶以来的一个突出现象。The contradiction between population and land was a protrusive phenomenon after the middle period of the Qing dynasty.

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翻译在让中国了解世界,让世界了解中国方面的重要作用日益显现。The important role of translation in letting the world know China and China know better of the world is becoming more protrusive.

目前,各级各类办学机构教育经费短缺的问题十分突出。At present, the problem of educational funds shortage is very protrusive for various educational organizations at different levels.

方法应用脱气水充盈法对62例上消化道隆起性病变患者进行微探头超声内镜检查。Methods 62 patients with protrusive lesions of the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum were examined by mEUS using water-filling method.

云南省正处于工业化和城镇化加速发展的重要时期,也是能源消耗和环境影响较为突出的时期。Yunnan is in the important years of rapid industrialization and urbanization with protrusive energy consumption and environmental impacts.

当前,我国经济生活中有两个突出的现象,一是城乡收入差距不断扩大,二是有效需求不足仍然持续。At present there exist two protrusive phenomenon, a continuing increase of the rural and urban income gap, and a remaining insufficient demand.

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深基坑支护设计与施工是当前城市高层、超高层建筑突显的技术难题。The design and construction for deep foundation pit support are protrusive technical difficulties in present high and super-high city buildings.

种植全口覆盖义齿侧方和前伸咬合平衡者均较不平衡者骨界面应力明显降低。To the osseointegrated implant-supported overdenture, its stresses in protrusive and lateral balanced occlusions were lower than those in their unbalanced ones.

正常萌发者较阻生者有较长而前突的上下颚,较小的下颚骨体下颚枝交角与较前倾的下颚中切齿角度。Compared with the impacted group, the erupted group had anteriorly positioned and larger maxilla and mandible, less ramus-corpus angle and more protrusive lower incisors.

其中明显外伤史22例,顽固性腰痛18例,马尾神经损伤24例,原间隙复发的22例,脱出游离型18例,合并继发性神经通道狭窄24例。Moreover, Reoperation showed that there were 22 cases original interval recur, 18 cases protrusive dissociate and 24 cases with continuous nerve canal stenosis in all 31 cases.

由于汽车车身是具有突出物的三维曲面几何体,其周围的非定常流具有复杂的流动分离结构,这给汽车风噪声的分析带来了困难。Car-body is a three-dimension geometry entity with protrusive objects, so air flow surrounding car is unsteady and easy to be separated, which caused great difficulty to analyze wind noise.

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随着高速公路的修建,软土问题越来越突出,已成为影响工程质量,建设工期和工程造价的关键因素之一。With the building of expressways, the problem of soft ground is becoming more and more protrusive and has been one of key factors influencing project quality, project cycle and project cost.

随着高速公路的修建,软土问题越来越突出,已成为影响工程质量,建设工期和工程造价的关键因素之一。With the building of expressways, the problem of soft ground was becoming more and more protrusive and has been one of key factors influencing project quality, project cycle and project cost.

学校与政府、学校与教师、学校与学生之间的权利义务关系日益突出,需要我们对现行高等教育法律法规进行修订完善。It is necessary for us to revise and perfect these laws and statutes because of the increasingly protrusive relations of rights and duties between universities and government, universities and.