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十字架上的苦痛才会带来耶稣复活。Out of crucifixion comes resurrection.

Sananda引导基督走向受难。Sananda lead Christ to his crucifixion.

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把人钉死在十字架上是一种残忍的死刑方式。Crucifixion was a cruel form of execution.

关于在十字架上钉死也有一些不同。On the crucifixion there's some differences.

在受难节,我们为着主被订十架而忧伤,为自己的罪孽而惮悔。On Good Friday, we remorse over Jesus' crucifixion and our sins.

一种说法是,星期五是耶酥受难日,所以主凶。One theory is that Friday is the crucifixion of Jesus, Zhuxiong.

她陪同耶稣到加利利,目睹了他受刑和被埋葬的过程。She accompanied him in Galilee, and she witnessed his crucifixion and burial.

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耶稣受难日标志着基督教徒对耶稣的受难,被钉十字架和死亡的纪念。It marks the Christian belief of the suffering, crucifixion and death of Jesus.

耶稣可以轻易地逃脱十字架酷刑,也能让恶魔屈服!Jesus could have easily escaped crucifixion or could have given in to the Devil!

正因衪曾被钉十字架且复活了,祂已经使我们与父神合而为一。Through his crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus has made us one with the Father.

永生真神的宝座和宫殿,得自十字架和坟墓。By crucifixion and the sepulchre came the throne and the palace of the Eternal God.

雪人背对着贴有耶稣钉在十字架上的画像的通道口坐在火炉边。He’s shown sitting by a stove with his back turned to a passage about the crucifixion.

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那是一次光辉的开端,正如耶稣钉十字架是光辉的事迹,绝非不光彩的事。It is a glorious origin, just as the crucifixion was a glorious, not a shameful, event.

这是第一次耶稣被香膏所膏,在被钉两天前他再次被膏。This is the first anointing with perfume the other was two days before the Crucifixion.

这寿衣也含有血的痕迹和引人注目的有鞭打和钉死于十字架上。The shroud also contains traces of blood and marks consistent with scourging and crucifixion.

罗马以对罪犯的“杀鸡儆猴”来防止犯罪,结果他们大量地使用了钉十字架的死刑。The Romans "made examples" of criminals to deter crime -- hence their use of public crucifixion.

在一些国家,有特别好的周五游行,或重新颁布的受难日。In some countries, there are special Good Friday processions, or re-enactments of the Crucifixion.

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有些另外的时候,在圣经上耶稣也曾预测他的死是被钉在十字架上,你能想到一些在圣经中哪些经节里吗?。There are other times Jesus predicts his death by crucifixion in the gospels can you think of any?

他也阐明了这两颗铁钉可能用于历史上最著名耶稣受刑的原因。He then offers his theory about why they may have been used in the most famous crucifixion in history.

也不可以有任何疑问圣约翰的协议与天气福音至于最后的晚餐,并受难日。John's agreement with the Synoptic Evangelists on the question of the Last Supper and the Crucifixion.