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朋友们霸占道路列车。The friends commandeer the road train.

政府只会在战争期间征募船只。The government will commandeer ships only in wartime.

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当今世界上大多数国家都建立了土地征用制度。Most country built land commandeer system on current world.

阿塔的行李不知何故未能上飞机。Atta's luggage never made it onto the plane which he would commandeer.

在你家征用一个闲置的地方,打造一个专属工作空间。Commandeer unused space in your home to carve out a dedicated work space.

仅仅征用囤积了您从行动离开这最后的愿望。That last wishes as merely commandeer to hoard up you away from the action.

史密斯上校的助手,中尉陌生人试图征用哥卜林为他的老板。Colonel Smith's assistant, Lieutenant Stranger, tries to commandeer Goblin for his boss.

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耶雷梅·维希涅维茨基王公被任命为辎重车的统帅于6月1日到达营地。Prince Jeremi Wisniowiecki, who had been appointed commandeer of the van, arrived at the camp on June 1.

药物霸占了这整个系统,其对系统活性的刺激,要比任何一种天然报偿来得更强、更持久。Drugs commandeer this circuit, stimulating its activity with a force and persistence greater than any natural reward.

土地征用是任何国家为及时保障公益性项目获取土地所必须的一种国家行为。Land commandeer is any countries get land place to ensure commonweal sex project in time must action of a kind of state.

黑客强占电脑已经够混蛋的了,现在科学家担心,有一天他们会攻陷你的大脑。Hackers who commandeer your computer are bad enough. Now scientists worry that someday, they’ll try to take over your brain.

随着经济社会的发展和城市化进程的加快,土地被征用的农民越来越多。Accelerate as what the development of economic society and city change a course, land by the farmer of commandeer increasing.

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这里,在这几乎空无一人的村庄里,他们征用了牧师家的房子,给囚犯们提供的住处也比牲口棚和一堵墙要好些的地方。Here, in the almost deserted village, they could commandeer the priest`s house and still leave the prisoners something more than a barn or a wall.

索马里海盗昨天试图霸占另外美国货轮,自由孙,有大约20名工作人员并且装满食品援助。Somali pirates yesterday attempted to commandeer another U. S. cargo ship , the Liberty Sun, which had a crew of about 20 and was loaded with food aid.

一般来说,土地征用是国家与政府为了公共目的而强制取得私有土地,并给予补偿的一种行为。Generally speaking, land commandeer is country and government are obtained compulsively for common goal demesne land, give compensatory a kind of action.

塞里诺解释说,一只成年的雄性巨鳄需要占据数英里的河域,它们需要找到足够多的食物来填饱肚子。A fully grown giant male croc likely would have had to commandeer miles of river territory to regularly find enough prey sustain itself, Sereno explained.

迈弗雷特团队所攻占的工业控制系统,同样也运行着电网、输油管道、化工厂及其他基础设施。The same industrial control systems Maiffret's team was able to commandeer also run electrical grids, pipelines, chemical plants and other infrastructure.

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在试管中,使疟原虫中的蛋白质——门冬氨酰蛋白酶失效后,疟原虫再也分泌不出令其霸占血液细胞的蛋白质了。In the test tube, parasites in which the protein, plasmepsin V, was disabled were unable to secrete the proteins that allow them to commandeer blood cells.

病原菌会作用于不止一个胞内通路而且通常会同时作用于多个节点,从而完全霸占这些通路。These pathogens usually target more than one intracellular pathway and often interact at several points in each of these pathways to commandeer them fully.

高官或重要官员用车通常最肆无忌惮,因为他们的权利让他们可以征用任何他们想要的运输工具。The many vehicles of the bigger officials and the more important offices were the most raffish, for the powerful could commandeer all the transport they wanted.