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这个研究是前瞻性群组研究This particular study was a prospective cohort.

本文进行了一项队列内病例对照研究。A case control study nested in cohort was conducted.

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研究队列由196个患者的临床资料构成。A total of 196 patient charts formed the study cohort.

研究设计。前瞩性的关于影像的队列研究。Study Design. A prospectie, radiographic cohort study.

那就是退休领导人的群体不断壮大。It is that the cohort of retired leaders is burgeoning.

那项研究包括大约2890名精神病住院患者。That study's cohort included some 2, 800 psychiatric inpatients.

满足学生实习课作为一个队列,每星期一次的研讨会课程。Practica students meet as a cohort once each week in a seminar course.

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一群51名大学二年级学生以在线学习的方式参与了研究。A cohort of 51 sophomores participated, by undertaking to learn on-line.

大群体手工饲养,往往又被称为托儿所式饲养或军队式养殖。Hand reared in large groups often known as creche reared or cohort raised.

运用自身对比的队列研究方式,调查了42名乳腺癌化疗患者。In a self-contrasted cohort study, 42 breast cancer patients were involved.

但是随着金猪娃娃长大,上学的问题也随之而来。But problems are bound to arise as the golden pig cohort reaches school age.

他的社会高层,后生育高峰的支持者以无比的热情集结在他身后。His upscale, post-boomer cohort has rallied behind him with unalloyed fervor.

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队列研究通常涉及大量的变量,指出法氏囊。Cohort studies typically involve a large number of variables, noted Fabricant.

很快,我就要离开家去上学了。我家在新泽西的一个小镇上。I will be leaving my home in small-town New Jersey to join the Singapore cohort.

方法对1736例新发涂阳肺结核病例的资料进行队列分析。Methods 1736 cases of new-registered smear-positive were studied, with a cohort analysis.

我这个组里只有34个人。全都是小学老师。So there's only 34 in my particular cohort. It's all elementary school teachers together.

在此四年前,同样这一批美国四年级的学生却排名第七。Four years earlier, as fourth-grades, the same cohort of U.S. Students had ranked seventh.

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其他人可能看起来像这群人,但可能是信仰基督教而鄙视原生药物。Others may look like that cohort but may be devout Christians and disdain native medicine.

年龄决定了这些即将20岁的新入伍战士更加容易受到伤害。Age predicts an even more vulnerable cohort of soldiers, those who enlist in their late 20s.

他们旗下拥有一群精明干练的企业家,对经济不好的过去去身经百战。Below them stands a new cohort of nimble entrepreneurs, battle-hardened by that bad old past.