Use 'quaver' in a sentence
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她这么说时,声音几乎没有颤抖。There was the least quaver in her voice as she said this.
午餐八分饱,能够吃一些新颖蔬菜、鱼类和瘦肉。Full, can eat lunch quaver some novel vegetable, fish and lean.
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如嗓音或曲调等声音抖动或颤抖。To tremble or quaver in sound, as of the voice or a musical note.
墙上的招牌好象在一层浮动的融融的水流下颤动。The sign on the wall seemed to quaver under a film of sliding warm water.
八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。Quaver crotchet and minim are three of the different length of notes in writing music.
我妻子知道我父亲是那种不轻易流露感情的人,当她和我说话时,我能听见她的声音在颤抖。My wife knew how my father was about his emotions, and I could hear her voice quaver as she spoke to me.
在15和55小节中,左手的最后一个八分音符和右手的最后一个三连八分音符一起奏出。In bars 15 and 55 the final quaver of the left hand is executed with the final triplet quaver of the right.
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半音加两个符点,时值等于三个四分音符或一个八分音符。A double dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets and an8th note or quaver.
迪伦的声音非常可怕,带着年迈的颤音,父亲视为福音的都是那些嗓音深沉或是如丝般润滑的节奏布鲁斯歌手,和迪伦可谓相去甚远。Dylan's voice was awful, an aged quaver that sounded nothing like the deep-throated or silky R&B that Dad took as gospel.
当贝柔承认自己不只生日那天独自在家,还有好一段时间都是如此,说话的声音开始颤抖。Her voice began to quaver as she acknowledged that she had been alone at home not just on her birthday, but for days and days.
嘴里的含混不清开始随着抖动发出句子来“赞美圣母,”金牙姑姑说到“蛇在追我,哪都是。The gurgling resolved itself into words pronounced with a lingering ghastly quaver. "Hail Mary, Hara Ram, " Gold Teeth said, "the snakes are after me.
他对此感到惊奇,不知道自己在她眼里已经变成了一个可怜虫。她努力克制住自己,不让自己的声音发抖。He wondered at this, not knowing the pathetic figure he had become in her eyes. She restrained herself with difficulty from showing a quaver in her voice.
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安米像蛐蛐一样发出短音,而乔则由着自己唱到哪儿算哪儿,于是她们的合唱总是在这儿那儿的蹦出不协调的音符。Amy chirped like a cricket, and Jo wandered through the airs at her own sweet will, always coming out at the wrong place with a croak or a quaver that spoiled the most pensive tune.