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可以说,恰到好处的赞美是打在男人身上的一剂强心剂。Can say, be just perfect compliment is playing on men as a cardiotonic agent.

他心脏骤停,医生赶紧为他注射了强心针。His heart halted suddenly, the doctor injected him with a cardiotonic needle.

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如为心源性心力衰竭,则应加用强心药物,如西地兰等。If for the heart source heart failure, should add with the cardiotonic drug, like west orchid and so on.

这一举动无疑给正人心惶惶的欧洲各国注射了一支“强心剂”。This action gave the flustered various European countries to inject one without doubt "the cardiotonic ".

并具有神经保护、延缓脑衰老、增强心脏功能等多种生物学作用。It has the activities of neuroprotection, preventing the age-related changes of brain, cardiotonic activity , etc.

目的观察复方丹参滴丸加蒙诺对慢性心力衰竭患者的临床治疗效果。Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Cardiotonic Pill and Monopril in treating congestive heart failure disease.

各个装修公司也忙活了起来,09年的春季装修旺季,能否给疲软的涂料市场注入一针强心剂?Various decoration also up in 2009 the decoration of the spring season, can give a weak one needle into the coatings market cardiotonic ?

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综上所述,我们的结果提示,CGRP是一个很强大的心动加速剂和强心剂,还是一个非常强大的血管舒张剂。Overall, our data suggested that CGRP is a potent cardioaccelerator and cardiotonic agent, and is a very potent vasodilator in blood vessel.

另外,上周央行6年来首次房贷利息的下调,更是给购房者注入了一针强心剂。Moreover, a Central Bank for 6 year first concubine loaned the interest last week the decline, has poured into needle cardiotonic to the home-buyer.

接受扩冠脉血管治疗3例,营养心肌治疗48例,抗高血压治疗31例,抗心律失常治疗19例。Three patients had coronary bypass surgery, 48 patients had cardiotonic , 31 had antihypertensive and 19 had antiarrhythmic therapies before surgery.

在给予除颤、强心、循环支持等药物治疗后,患者的病情得到稳定和改善。After the management by defibrillation, cardiotonic agents and circulation supports, the patient was getting better and recovered to a stable condition.

另一强心剂则是香港首富李嘉诚在东亚银行股价下跌时购入其股票,以稳定市场信心。Another cardiotonic is Hong Kong richest family Li Jiacheng falls when the Bank of East Asia stock price buys its stock, the stabilization of market confidence.

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本文报告强心药黄麻甲甙的治疗作用强度、治疗宽度并与已知强心药作比较性研究。The cardiotonic potency and therapeutic range of corchoroside A were compared with the well-known cardiac glycosides in heart-lung preparations of guinea pigs and cats.

结果表明,两者均具有镇静、抗惊厥、解热、抗炎、强心、降压作用,其作用强度与毒性也相近似。The results show that both drugs possess sedative, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antiinflammatory, cardiotonic and hypotensive effects, the strength of effect and toxicity being similar.

诃子主要含三萜酸类、没食子酰葡萄糖、没食子酰的简单酯类化合物及蒽醌类等物质,具有抗菌、强心、抗氧化及抗癌等药理活性。Terminalia chebula Retz. mainly contains triterpenic acid, gallyl glucose, gallate and anthraquinone etc. They have the activities of antibiosis, antioxidation, antitumor and cardiotonic etc.