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不要自夸和虚张声势。Do not brag or bluff.

他是个众所周知的大忽悠。He is bluff known to all!

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他是个众所周知的大忽悠。He is a bluff known to all!

罗尼克说,“我现在飞去雷同崖。I will now fly to Thunder Bluff.

艾米丽总是能够吓唬住亨利。Emily had always been able to bluff Henry.

我认为那含蓄的战争恫吓是吓唬人的。I thought the veiled threat of war was bluff.

你的对手会诈唬你吗?Could your opponent be putting you on a bluff?

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如果你让他们来诈唬,那你就必须跟注。If you're MAKING them bluff then you MUST call.

股市已经开始呼唤政府的虚情假意了。The stockmarket had called the government’s bluff.

他的对手太优柔寡断,不敢接受挑战。His opponents were too irresolute to call his bluff.

这张显得单纯的脸使她不可能骗人。This open face makes it impossible for her to bluff.

他当众激年青人游过那条河。He called younger's bluff to swim the river in public.

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在扑克中,当你手气不好而下重注,你就是在虚张声势。In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand.

他常以辞职相要挟,我们终于让他另谋高就。He always said he would quit, so we finally called his bluff.

规则非常简单又很有策略性的游戏。A simple and witty game of bluff and strategy for two bluffers.

你们会掩饰纰缪,还是会坦诚道歉?。Will you bluff it out when you're wrong, or will you apologize?

此处为南非特兰斯凯一处叫做瀑布峭壁的地方。At a place called Waterfall Bluff in the Transkei, South Africa.

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他当众激年轻人游过那条深河。He called the younger's bluff to swim the deeply river in public.

你这该死的讹诈者,我倒很想请你把底牌亮出来看看呢。You're a damned blackmailer . I've a good mind to call your bluff.

中国全是在虚张声势,他们只是个不稳定的第三世界洞穴。China is all bluff and bluster they're an unstable 3 rd world hole.