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我们等得好心焦!How anxiously we waited!

他一脸忧虑地凝视着我的脸。His face peers anxiously into mine.

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我急切地等待着你的答复。I am anxiously awaiting your reply.

那个男孩不安地看着他们。The boy was watching them anxiously.

她的歌迷都焦急地等待她的出场。All her fans are waiting for her anxiously.

“我打鼾了吗?”她不安地询问一个朋友。"Was I snoring?" she anxiously asked a friend.

他焦急地在名单上搜寻他的名字。He anxiously searched for his name on the list.

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他用手指很担心地触摸肿处。He probed the swelling anxiously with his finger.

泰山在围墙内不安地走来走去。Tai Shan walked around anxiously in the enclosure.

看看表,5点多了,我焦急的在地上踱来踱去。See Table 5 o'clock, and I anxiously paced the floor.

十点半钟的时候,莎莉焦急地朝着小路张望。It was half past ten. Sarie watched the path anxiously.

十点半钟的时候,莎丽焦急地朝着小路张望。It was half past ten. Sarie watched the path anxiously.

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我苦思冥想怎么才能缩小“鞋号”。Anxiously I ponder the ways I might reduce my shoe size.

福州进入了紧张而有序的备战状态。Fuzhou entered anxiously , but order readiness condition.

她焦急地摇着他被太阳晒黑的肩膀,唤醒了他。She woke him anxiously shaking at his sunburnt shoulders.

我们急切地等待着他们讨论的结果。We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their discussion.

一个金色头发、大肚子的男人正担忧地注视着他。A fair-haired, big-bellied man was watching Harry anxiously.

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她忧虑地看着她的双亲,好像在请求宽恕。She look anxiously at her parents as if entreat forgiveness.

71岁的Lettieri有些焦虑,“我的大衣还在那儿!”Ms. Lettieri, 71, shouted anxiously. “My coat is still there!”

“为什么?”尤斯塔斯急切地问,“那儿有什么可怕的?”"Why?" asked Eustace anxiously. "What's so dreadful about it?"