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这是否虚伪?Is this hypocritical?

又用似是而非、伪善的借口。And, with pretexts specious and hypocritical.

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于此更看出了人的虚伪性。Hereat more the hypocritical sex that saw a person.

说爱太矫情了,说忠太虚伪了。Love is too hypocritical, said Zhong too hypocritical.

无耻无赖无脸的伪善男。The shameless loafer has no facial of hypocritical male.

他们美其名曰平衡,我却宁愿称之为虚伪的狗屎。They call it the balance. I call it hypocritical bullshit.

它所是关于破除虚伪性价值观的电影。It was about breaking away from hypocritical sexual values.

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伪善的谎言掩盖不了铁的事实。Their hypocritical lies cannot cover the indisputable facts.

所以人们那样似乎就有点儿虚伪了,that it seems a little bit hypocritical for people to be like,

告诫那些虚伪的人要在装有内涵。Admonish those hypocritical people should be in of connotation.

学习在任何事情都得中庸,并且试着别惺惺作态。Learn moderation in everything, and try not to be hypocritical.

这些虚伪的官绅背地里做尽了坏事。This hypocritical bureaucrat has done many bad things secretly.

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如果说要将美国经济的困境归咎于中国,那无疑是虚伪的。It’s hypocritical to blame China for what ails America’s economy.

撒旦象征纯洁的智慧,而非虚假的自欺!Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self- deceit !

一张纸烧起时,又是谁那么奴性和虚伪地舞蹈?When a piece of paper Shaoqi, who is so servile and hypocritical to dance?

我最讨厌那些爱做秀的人了,感觉他们特别虚伪。I hate people striking attitudes most, and find them extremely hypocritical.

美国政府和西方媒体真是太假太虚伪了…The Western press and the US government can be very biased and hypocritical.

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只是被虚伪的面具挡住了,你们不想出来透透气么?Just be hypocritical mask blocked, and you do not want out briefed by Raffarin?

非政府组织认为,因穷人多子女而视之为标靶未免过于虚伪。The NGOs believe it hypocritical to target the poor for having lots of children.

历秋辰假仁假义的哭了几声,就把关夫人叫到了一边。Through the autumn hypocritical to cry a few times, just check lady called aside.