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珂赛特发出一声凄厉的叫声。Cosette uttered a heartrending cry.

看到自己的孩子被判刑真叫人伤心。It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced.

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无论如何地,离愁依依?Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.

请你不要再来伤害我,我会难过,心象被撕碎一样。Please don't hurt me again, otherwise i'll undergo heartrending hurt.

奥运的精神是什么?仅仅是赢得一枚奖牌吗?真的令人心碎和不幸的人们。What is the Olympic spirit? is it only to win a medal? Heartrending people.

冉阿让向她苦笑,有时他就这样笑着。Jean Valjean directed upon her that heartrending smile to which he occasionally had recourse

一所重点大学的急救医学教授曾给我来过一封令人伤心难过的信。A professor of emergency medicine at a major university sent me a really heartrending letter.

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詹森。克里斯维尔则留下一位年幼的女儿,就在上周她还给爸爸写了一封令人伤心的信。Jason Creswell leaves behind a young daughter, who wrote him a heartrending letter only last month.

真的该和夏说再见了么?无论如何地,离愁依依?Should I really bid adieu to this summer? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.

最广为人知的传说是牛郎与织女浪漫却悲伤的故事。The most well-known legend is the romantic yet heartrending story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid.

在这个令人伤感的故事中,她讲述了因不幸遭遇而分开的两个情人所进行的抗争。In this heartrending tale she presents the struggles of two lovers who are separated by unfortunate circumstances.

从前我每次听到都使我感到心痛的那种咳嗽几乎完全消失了。The coughing fits, which I had found heartrending whenever I heard her racked by them, had almost completely gone.

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“我只是想找点乐子。”哈里的声音开始嘶哑,他整个人也再次陷入了悲痛的哭泣中。"All I wanted was just a little fun, " Harry's voice began to crack and he dissenigrated into heartrending sobs again.

路盖里格在洋基球场上发表他著名的告别演说时,他强忍悲痛而故意轻描淡写,称罹患ALS是「一件倒楣的事」。In his famous farewell address at Yankee Stadium, Gehrig called ALS "a bad break, " which was a heartrending understatement.

在珂赛特后面陪着她进来的是一位白发老人,态度庄重,但含着微笑,可这是一种捉摸不定和沉痛的微笑。With Cosette, and behind her, there had entered a man with white hair who was grave yet smiling, though with a vague and heartrending smile.

在这种思想状态里,一想到这个人今后将和珂赛特会有某种接触时马吕斯感到惊惶失措。In this state of mind the thought that that man would, henceforth, come into any contact whatever with Cosette was a heartrending perplexity to Marius.

看到这位妈妈的身体一天一天的衰弱了,肝癌的病毒一天一天侵蚀她,看了实在很不忍心,但是也看出了母性的坚强。We watched this mother grow weaker and weaker each day as the cancer caused her body to deteriorate. It was truly heartrending. But we saw the strength of a mother.

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历史不能用一句话讲完,但那些曾经年少、年轻和灿烂的经历是无法忘记的,反衬的结果,使我们神伤。History can not be told with a few words, but the experiences of the junior, young and bright times can not be forgotten, and the result in contrast makes us heartrending.

而最使人痛心的是,在那堆石块后面,钉有锌牌的树脚下,有刚刚翻动过的泥土,留下的是一把被遗忘或被抛弃了的十字镐,还有一个土穴。And, heartrending to say, there, behind the pile of stones, in front of the tree with the sheet of zinc, was freshly turned earth, a pick-axe, abandoned or forgotten, and a hole.

最后,还得开始吟唱,低垂着脑袋,颤抖的声音,---但是我极其敏锐地意识到,在这屋子里,再没有人比我对于这表演更为肝肠欲断的了。And at last, with bowed head and quavering voice I would have to make a beginning--but too keenly conscious that to none else in the room but me was this performance sufficiently heartrending.