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偏执狂是一种优点。Paranoia is a virtue.

妄想狂的保护对象。The perils of paranoia.

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还有偏执狂。Then there is paranoia.

这种妄想症表现得有点过头了。This paranoia is overdone.

接下来就是偏执的问题。Next there is the issue of paranoia.

他们利用恐慌和偏执狂。They capitalize on panic and paranoia.

你看到的是恶龙的妄想和恐惧。What you are seeing is the Dragon's paranoia and fear.

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日本众所周知是一个猜疑外国疾病的偏执狂。Japan is also known for its paranoia of foreign diseases.

洛维兹自然会变得多疑而没有安全感喽。Naturally, Wolowitz is overcome with paranoia and insecurity.

也许这并非禅意,只是心内一种宁和的偏执。Maybe it is not just the heart of Zen, a peaceful and paranoia.

杜隆坦被排出以后,恐惧与偏执妄想压倒了我的人民。After Durotan was taken away, fear and paranoia overtook my people.

这里没有阴谋论,没有不着边际的胡猜,没有偏执妄想。There are no conspiracy theories, no wild speculations, no paranoia.

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这种疾病还可能引起幻觉,抑郁和狂想症。The disease can also cause hallucinations , depression, and paranoia.

我们大家都应该对我们的程序也有对输入这样的偏执。We should all have this level of paranoia about input to our programs.

研究表明普通人每天都会有一些胡思乱想的体验。Studies show that the average person experiences paranoia on a daily basis.

总之这里我想说的就一点,偏执是一个正常人类的特质。Anyway the only point I'm making here is, paranoia is a healthy human trait.

对中国野心的一点担忧不仅仅是冷战思维的妄想症。A modicum of anxiety about its ambitions is more than just cold-war paranoia.

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把一生都沉浸在偏执和恐惧里一定是很难熬的。It must have been difficult to go through life immersed in paranoia and fear.

只是有些人比别人更倾向于片片断断的妄想状况。It’s just that some people are more prone to episodes of paranoia than others.

激烈的竞争,幕后有着恶语中伤和对泄漏情报的恐惧,哦,天啊!Fierce competition, behind the back namecalling and paranoia about leaks, oh my!