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因为他不欠任何人的帐。For rhe owes not any man.

她把成功归功于勤奋。She owes her success to diligence.

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说齣恴爱昰欠下恴债。Says the love is a debt which owes.

公民的存在要归功于法律。owes his very existence to the laws.

多亏一位好心人他才活了下来。He owes his life to a kindhearted man.

一个叫多利亚斯的小伙,欠王宫什么物品What a guy name Dounias owes the palace?

收税员说他欠我许多钱!The taxman says he owes me a lot of money!

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就在同时,他也要信守他对其他人的忠诚。But Eragon owes his loyalty to others, too.

难道这都是我这辈子欠他的?Are all of this what my whole life owes hims?

据他说,餐厅老板欠他5100元。He claimed the employer owes him 5, 100 yuan.

他去年冬天买东中欠的钱还已还呢!He still owes for what he brought last summer.

你我形同陌路,相遇也是恩泽一场。You I shape with stranger, meet also owes a game.

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他买那辆车还欠着近一百英镑的债。He still owes nearly a hundred pounds on that car.

我操,这个骚货,是前生欠我的搞。Fuck, This bitch, is the previous existence owes me.

受托人对受益人负有信托义务。To the beneficiary the trustee owes a fiduciary duty.

此外,那个丫头既有面包吃,就得作事。Besides, that lass owes me her services for her bread.

你谈没谈起他欠我们钱的事?Have you broached the subject of the money he owes us?

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体遗传学的创立应归功于弗朗西斯·高尔顿。Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton.

我们欠中国一个道歉,而陆克文则欠我们他的辞职。We owe them an apology and he owes us his resignation.

联合国每项成绩都离不开会员国的支持。Every success owes to the support of its member states.