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她一般会被看作是他的moll,或者有时被看成一个gunmoll。She is known as his moll or sometimes as a gun moll.

目前,我在日常对话中很少用到moll这个词。Now I don’t use the word moll in conversation too often.

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他告别自己的事之后与莫尔的宗教体验。He renounces his affair with Moll after a religious experience.

长期以来一直背着妻子和情妇鬼混。Long-term since carrying wife and Moll fool around on the back all the time.

它是笛福的第一部关于女性的重要作品,值得我们去探究。Moll Flanders is Defoe's first work, in which a woman serves as the main character.

情妇见帅哥已跳出窗外,便去开门。Moll sees the handsome young man already jumped out outside the window, go opening the door.

莫尔开始作为一个孤儿,她的生活都将界定,从开始到结束,作为一个深刻的孤立。Moll begins as an orphan, and her life will in fact be defined, from start to finish, as one of profound isolation.

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小说的浅层结构和深层结构揭示了摩尔无法超越命运的循环这一深刻事实。The surface structure and deep structure of the novel reveal that Moll is doomed to be trapped in the inescapable cycles of fate.

我不能肯定如何解释这个现象,有些人感染了并且能够战胜这种病菌,其他人则感染了病菌将会导致死亡。I'm not quite sure how to interpret this, " said Moll. "Some people will get infected and be able to fight off the bug. Others will develop active TB and it will lead to death.

他那恶毒且相当复杂的全盘策划,便不可避免地要借由可怕的绿色氪星碎片来加以推动,而帕克•波西扮演的情妇对于他的癫狂的那种愚蠢的取笑方式则制造了不少笑料。His diabolic and rather complicated masterplan is, inevitably, fuelled by shards of that dreaded green kryptonite, while Parker Posey's moll makes delightfully dimwitted fun of his megalomania.