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舵栓要用螺母安装。Rudder pintle to be fitted with nut.

舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查。Inspection alignment of stock, rudder blade and pintle.

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柜门同转轴式活动铰链与构架相连,安装拆卸方便。Cubicle door conjunction pintle that is easy for assemble or unload.

适用于舵杆直径较大的中小型船舶。It is suitable for small and medium vessels with large rudder pintle diameters.

文中利用该装置研究了轴针式喷嘴的喷油过程,探讨了喷嘴油束形成的特征。The apparatus has been used in investigating the spray formation of a pintle nozzle.

设备中包括3英寸长的枢轴,千斤顶和快速接头,以及15,000磅的牵引杆。Trailer includes 3in pintle eye, jack stand, quick couplers, and 15,000 lb capacity draw bar.

舵栓采用铸造钢并用不锈钢套和一个合成衬套轴承安装。Rudder pintle to be forged steel and fitted with stainless steel sleeve and a synthetic bush bearing.

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并介绍了采用有限元法对新型小尺寸P系列轴针式喷油嘴结构进行的分析计算。Analysis and calculation to structure of new small size P-type pintle injection nozzle was introduced.

同时利用内镜超声作引导行细针穿刺活检,可确诊病变的性质。In simultaneously uses the mirror supersonic to do guides the good pintle puncture , may diagnose the pathological change nature.

我们的产品可用于拉房车的,拖车,船舶,发电机,轮式装备-一个球耦合或铰链顺利舌头什么。Our products can be used to pull RV's, trailers, boats, generators, wheeled equipment — anything with a ball coupler or pintle hitch tongue.

研究结果表明,在喷射初期和后期,油束在不同的启阀压力下,其穿透能力有不同的变化规律。It is shown that the spray penetration of a pintle nozzle at the beginning and end of injection under various nozzle opening pressures is different.

结果显示喉栓能够有效改变发动机燃烧室压力和推力,满足发动机推力控制要求。Results show that pintle could change the nozzle throat area and thus the motor pressure and thrust, which provided the capability for thrust control.

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介绍了具有油束撞击效应的轴针式喷油器在不同柴油机燃烧系统中的应用。This paper reports experimental results of the mixture formed by Pintle nozzle with impinging head used to diesel engines with different combustion systems.

工程采用的在人字门顶枢A、B拉架预留槽内预埋预应力锚杆的设计方案,在国内尚属首例。The design scheme of installing pre-stressed anchorage rod in the channels of A and B tension bar in the top pintle of miter gate has been adopted, which is the first one at home.

单舵销半平衡舵的舵杆与挂舵臂的匹配设计需要提取的数据量较大,计算及优化过程也较为复杂。The data collection in matching design between rudder stock and rudder horn of single rudder pintle semi-balanced rudder is massive, and its calculation and optimization is complex.

在径向柱塞泵配流轴摩擦副的静压支承系统中,增加了压力补偿元件,使该系统具有动态反馈。In the flow divider pintle of variable radial piston pump, the pressure compensator is added in the hydrostatical balance system, then it makes the system to have pressure control feedback.

通过对2100BL电铲中央枢轴的更换过程的分析,提出了中央枢轴的改进方案,并在结构和力学的角度上进行了论证。Through analyzing on the changing course of 2100BL electric shovel central pintle, the improvement scheme of central pintle is proposed and demonstrated on the aspects of structure and mechanical.