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我孙子在这里。My grandson is here!

那是他的外孙。This was his grandson.

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她很钟爱孙子。She dotes on her grandson.

我是一只小狮子。我是你的孙子。I'm a cub. I'm your grandson.

我孙子呢?你没有带他来啊?You didn't bring my grandson?

爷爷疼孙子。Grandpa dotes on his grandson.

那正是斯托威尔的外孙!It was the Stowells' grandson.

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一位老媪牵著她的孙子回家。A woman walks her grandson home.

老人又三个孙子。The old man have three grandson.

为唐正是他们的孙子而高兴。Very glad to don their grandson.

您的孙子儿,寄上一张特另外卡片。B special card from your grandson.

你的孙子杜凌宇呢?Does your grandson Du traverse Yu?

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我的小孙子紧紧握住我的手。My little grandson held to my band.

她的外孙是她的心头肉/掌上明珠。Her grandson is the apple of her eye.

奶奶经常给小孙子讲故事。Granny often tells her grandson tales.

他们祖孙俩来到这里。The grandfather and grandson came here.

‘您就是塞缪尔.厄尔曼的孙子吗?"'You are the grandson of Samuel Ullman?

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他把孙子夹在双膝当中。He nipped his grandson between his knees.

你说,是谁不要命了,胆敢要老子做他的孙子?Tell me, who wants me to be his grandson?

所以他的不肖的曾孙子就可以进去?So his not-so-great grandson could get in?