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甚至他骑的骆驼也带着令人不可信的政客式的微笑。Even his camel wears an unconvincing politician's smile.

危机是由于监管不足的说法也站不住脚。The claim that the crisis was due to insufficient regulation is also unconvincing.

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这段论述缺乏说服力,因为它包含着某些逻辑推理方面甚为严重的缺陷。This argument is unconvincing because it contains several critical flaws in logic.

由于没有探究这些可能性,论述者所摆出的这段论述便失去了说服力。By failing to address these possibilities, the arguer has presented an unconvincing argument.

这段论述没能遵循事实,因而由于逻辑方面某些缺陷而无从令人置信。This argument does not follow the facts and is therefore unconvincing due to several flaws in logic.

少数真实的优点能够比那些不能让人相信的优点清单带给你更大的收获。You will get much further with a handful of real strengths than with an unconvincing list of traits.

委员会因此认为,这些作者的结论既不具有说服力也没有事实根据。The Committee therefore found the conclusions made by these authors both unconvincing and unsubstantiated.

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“来历不明就是最好的证据。”云雀干脆地打断了自家首领毫无说服力的反驳。Coming from who-knows-where is the best proof. " Hibari broke the clan-leader's unconvincing retort simply."

你可能觉得这答案无法令人满意,没说服力,至少对那些不信仰上帝的人来说是这样。Now, you might say that's an unsatisfying, unconvincing answer, at least for those who don't believe in God.

战后在美国出现的婴儿出生高峰,使得美国向贫穷国家提出的节制生育的意见显得苍白无力。The American baby boom after the war made unconvincing U. S. advance to poor countries that they retain their births.

对于为什么这项任命要对首相以及其他人隐瞒,则有五花八门的解释,但都难以令人信服。The baroque explanations of why the appointment had to be kept a secret from the prime minister, or anyone else, were unconvincing.

米兰需要伊布,这样的结果不能让人信服。如果米兰有现在受伤的球员在场上,结果会不同。Milan need Ibrahimovic back. This performance was unconvincing. It's a different story with the currently-injured players on the pitch.

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这篇文章用说服力不强的论证试图来证明一个缺乏说服力的论点,反而找人反感。This article has employed an unconvincing argument in order to prove an unpersuasive point, which is not most appealing to the readers.

波伊尔是赌家投注的夺冠大热,但她在半决赛中的表现并不尽如人意,。Bookmakers made her the favourite to win, but after an unconvincing performance in the semi-final there were fears that the church volunteer.

前流浪者队的后卫库拉尔,在经历了一个失望的赛季后,仍然需要时间来继续适应英超。Further back Carlos Cuéllar, the former Rangers defender, is still taking time to adapt to the English game after an unconvincing first season.

当我更深入地了解团队如何安排进行单元测试的计划时,常常得到各种不足以令人相信的回答。When I dig a little deeper into how the team actually plans to go about performing unit testing, I often get a variety of unconvincing responses.

上次课上我所讲的,语言和话语间的关系也许对于你们没有说服力,因为其讨论范围太窄。What I said last time about language and the relationship between language and speech may have seemed unconvincing to you because it was so narrow.

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周末首映疲软是否就意味着这部电影已经被大量盗版,而人们都留在家里在电脑上看盗版,或者是意味着影片的市场本来就不景气?Does a weak opening weekend mean that the film was heavily pirated and folks chose to stay home and watch it on their computers or was the marketing unconvincing?

维哥大学的学者说弄错了草稿和定稿、没有预先审读、事后没有一名作者去阅读发表出来的论文,这样的说法令人难以信服。Vigo University researchers say the draft and final mistake, there is no pre-re-reading, after not one of them to read the published paper, that argument unconvincing.

辛格好像是在帮甘地夫人的儿子拉胡尔暖热这个位置。胡拉尔外表看起来让人愉快但实际却是个难以令人信服的人物,他毫无疑问将注定代表其家族的第五代担任起领导国大党的重任。He seems to be keeping the seat warm for her son, Rahul, a pleasant-seeming but unconvincing chap apparently destined to represent the fifth generation of his family to lead Congress.