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我有一头小马驹。I have a pony.

它是一场马戏表演。It's a dog and pony show.

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把鞍子系在马背上。A small saddle horse or pony.

你那匹矮种马养在哪儿?Where do you stable your pony ?

结果却是小马只是腿短而已。But the pony simply has very short legs.

甲车,不会心厌?滚出去!Pony car that won't do burnouts? Get out!

小小骑士乘着马驹紧随其后。The littlest knight followed on his pony.

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这促使他们中的一部分人加钱选座。This prompts a portion of them to pony up.

驿马信使在十日之内就能把信送到。Pony Express rider could do it in ten days.

除了小小孩童,谁还能骑着它“招摇过市”呢?Because who besides a child can ride a pony?

瑞德给他的女儿买了一匹小马来骑。Rhett bought his daughter a pony to ride on.

雯馨有一个小马玩具,会动还会说话。Michelle has a pony toy. It can move and talk.

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那匹小马看到他进来就开始又踢又跳。Seeing him coming,the pony began to fling out.

因为我是碧琪,这最最好的派对小马。For I am Pinkie, the bestest party pony around!

如果那些人有马驹儿的话为什么要过来这里?Why would anybody come hre if they had a pony ?

扬基·都达尔进城,骑着一匹小马。Yankee Doodle went to town, A-riding on a pony.

红红的裙子,红红的蝴蝶结,还有长长随风飘扬的马尾辫。A pink dress, a matching bow, and her pony tail.

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一个是柔和的粉紫色旋转马。One was a carousel pony inpastel pinks and purples.

驿马快信制度成立,提供将邮件快递到荒芜的西部的业务。Pony Express formed to carry mail to the Wild West.

在阿萨蒂格岛上一匹野马驹用鼻爱抚着它妈妈。A wild pony nuzzles its mother on Assateague Island.