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它被认为是新约次经。It's considered New Testament apocryphal writings.

虽然其中关于安德鲁·杰克逊的部分是不足凭信的。Although the part about Andrew Jackson is almost certainly apocryphal.

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有一些故事是伪造的,其目的不过是为了给历史人物增添一些传奇色彩。Some legends are apocryphal tales that merely add color to a famous figure.

未经证实的信息比比皆是,模糊了真相和谣言的边界。Apocryphal information abounds, blurring the boundary between truth and rumor.

日本美食家们总是对那些不可信的,关于河豚有剧毒的传说津津乐道?Those apocryphal tales about the hypertoxic blowfish prized by Japanese gastronomes?

传记作家试图说明他这段时期的经历,描述了很多虚构的故事。Biographers attempting to account for this period have reported many apocryphal stories.

这份“里卡迪文摘”手稿大约写于1580年,也因此这宗轶事很可能是杜撰的。This ExcerptaRiccardi manuscript has been datedaround 1580, and therefore the anecdote is probably apocryphal.

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这份“里卡迪文摘”手稿大约写于1580年,也因此这宗轶事很可能是杜撰的。This ExcerptaRiccardi manuscript has been dated around 1580, and therefore the anecdote is probably apocryphal.

都市流言是现代民间传说的一种,那些虚假故事被它们的讲述者演绎得可以以假乱真。Urban legend is a form of modern folklore consisting of apocryphal stories believed by their tellers to be true.

拿破仑是在什么场合发出这一警告的,没有记载可查,引用的话本身可能并不准确,甚至有可能是伪造的。There is no record of the context of this admonition, and the quotation itself may be accurate or even apocryphal.

他的这种感觉部分来自于一篇他在某个地方看到的一篇文章,也不知道是谁写的,但是尽管如此至少给了他梦想的希望。His hopes rested, in part, on an article he read somewhere, which very well might be apocryphal but nevertheless allowed him to dream.

三棵树的神话出现在创世纪及末世纪,仅是三个时代神话的对应。The myth of the three trees, as it appears in certain apocryphal gospels and apocalypses, is merely a doublet of the myth of the three ages.

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长期以来,海员归来时,都会带来海洋骤然出现,所到之处片甲不留的故事---然而经常被当作是虚构的不为人相信。Seafarers have long returned with tales — often dismissed as apocryphal — of the ocean abruptly reaching up and snatching at anything in its path.

它也许是引为“亚伯拉罕”,在早期的名单猜测工程,以及一些段落,在早期基督教作家可以表明自己的知识这样的工作。It is perhaps that cited as "Abraham" in early lists of Apocryphal works, and some passages in early Christian writers may indicate their knowledge of such a work.

我听说过一个杜撰的故事,一个日本公司安装了一台涡轮机,但却需要用电力来保持它运转来保护其“环保”的面子。I heard an apocryphal story about a Japanese firm that installed a turbine which needed electric power to keep it turning to save the face of its would-be-green owners.

经文和其他伪经作品或者是通过口头和唱颂,更加后期的是通过艺术作品来流传下来,对信仰者有很大的指引。The Scriptures and other apocryphal works were passed down either by word of mouth and through song, and much later in works of art that did much to instruct the believer.

对于有文本传世的疑伪经,则记录其留存的形态,基本情况,以及现存的各种文本的异本情况,以及异本的系统。For extant apocryphal scriptures, I am going to record their existing contents, basic conditions, variety versions of each extant texts and the systems of the variety versions.

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由于在两个故事中费特和天行者都是第一次相遇,而且卢克每次都不经意地成了该赏金猎人的朋友,所以这两个故事中至少有一个可能是杜撰的。Given that Fett and Skywalker meet for the first time in both stories, and Luke unwittingly befriends the bounty hunter each time, one or both of these tales is probably apocryphal.

因此,虽然影响的正统基督教的古兰经已经很小,未经和邪教基督教传说,另一方面,是一个原始来源古兰经的信仰。Hence, while the influence of orthodox Christianity upon the Koran has been slight, apocryphal and heretical Christian legends, on the other hand, are one of the original sources of Koranic faith.

多元化的观点不能同时展现,公众的关注的问题几乎不可避免地造成两极分化和语言争执。Diversified viewpoints are not presented, and issues of public concern almost inevitably lead to polarized verbal spats.Apocryphal information abounds, blurring the boundary between truth and rumor.