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加州威尔顿的拉古那.德尔.绍尔度假村Laguna del Sol, Wilton, California

智利拉古那圣拉斐尔国家公园Laguna San Rafael National Park, Chile

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那是在加州拉古纳海滩一个慵懒的下午。Its a lazy afternoon at the California Laguna Beach.

拉古纳海滩,剑桥的都市区都是下一批目标。Laguna Beach and Cambridge, MA, are next on the schedule.

如太阳岛,天堂岛,拉古纳岛和梦之岛。Such as the sun island, Paradise Island, Laguna Island and dream island.

这家五星级拉古纳海滩酒店是振兴一个难忘的地方。This five-star Laguna Beach hotel is an unforgettable spot to rejuvenate.

我想去,但是从拉古纳到箭头湖需要两小时的车程。I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead.

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我确实想去,只是从拉古纳到箭头湖得两个小时的车程。I wanted to go , but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead.

毫无疑问,游客会考虑取消赴拉古娜酒店的订单。So there is no question of guest wanting to cancel their room reservations with Laguna.

“在这里挣扎的比布尔诺和拉古纳赛卡少多了。”他说。"Here at this track we struggle much less than at Brno and Laguna Seca, " Lorenzo said.

在加州拉古娜山的休闲世界里,水上芭蕾舞演员正为她们的年度演出而排练。Submerged ballerinas rehearse for their annual show at Leisure World in Laguna Hills, California.

南加州的几个海滩,包括亨廷顿海滩和拉古纳海滩,已进入警戒状态。Several Southern California beaches were put on alert, including Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach.

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其他分销点存在于怀俄明州的Riverton﹐和亚利桑那州拉古纳印第安人保留地。Other distribution points exist at Riverton, Wyoming and on the Laguna Indian Reservation in Arizona.

这豪华拉古纳海滩酒店坐落在海洋上,并提供令人惊叹的意见,太平洋。This luxury Laguna Beach hotel sits right on the ocean and offers breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.

福永穿梭巴士于球会会所出发前15分钟在小区1号巴士站开始穿梭小区接载客人。The Fu Yong Shuttle Bus starts picking up guests at Laguna Verona 15 minutes before the Club departure time.

1月18日,在美国加利福尼亚州拉古纳海滩,当丽莎·兹普尔演奏钢琴时,沃尔·特温菲尔德和特里纳·米勒驻足倾听。Walt Winfield and Trina Miller stop to listen as Lisa Zieper plays a piano in Laguna Beach, Calif. , on Jan. 18.

在周二,2011年2月1日的照片,雪穿过新墨西哥州路线6面吹在预订拉古娜几缕。In a Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011 photo, wisps of snow blow across the surface of New Mexico Route 6 on the Laguna Reservation.

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此外,由于拥有精准、反应迅速的底盘,新拉古那将表现出可靠的操控性。In addition to its Euro NCAP result, New Laguna also delivers reassuring handling thanks to its precise and responsive chassis.

居民带领由台风带来的洪水凯萨娜的猪,在碧楠丽马尼拉2009年9月29日南方。Residents lead their pig through floodwaters brought on by Typhoon Ketsana, in Binan Laguna south of Manila September 29, 2009.

奔峰公司是一家私营公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州尼古埃尔湖市,在加拿大、中国、日本、韩国及英国等地设有办事处。Bitfone is a private company headquartered in Laguna Niguel, California, with offices in Canada, China, Japan, Korea, and the U. K.