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那梯子看起来不太结实。That ladder looks a bit dicky.

两只小鸟坐在墙头上。Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall.

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墙上站了两只小鸟。Two little dicky birds sitting on the wall.

杜绍麟,董事总经理,罗申美税务咨询有限公司。Dicky To, Managing Director, RSM Nelson Wheeler Tax Advisory Ltd.

张卫健笑言,“学螳螂拳,我可是获益良多啊。Dicky Cheung Xiaoyan, "Tang Langquan school, but I have learned a lot ah."

Dicky在学校里又遭到同学的欺负和老师的刁难。At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.

张卫健低声解释道,言语中流露出对爱妻的关切之情。Dicky Cheung explained in a low voice, expressed in the words of his beloved wife's concern.

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像吴丰,薛家燕,张卫健和吴启华即使老前辈可以发现整个电影。Even old timers like Wu Fung, Nancy Sit, Dicky Cheung and Lawrence Ng can be spotted throughout the movie.

她走去一个接一个地看每一个生病的孩子,和他们说晚安,一直到她来到一个小男孩迪凯的身边。She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night , until she came to one little boy, Dicky.

张卫健还说,因为自己和妻子都是天主教徒,都希望在教堂,在神父的祝福下完成婚礼。Dicky Cheung said, because his wife is Catholic, want the church, the priest's blessing at the wedding complete.

这样一来,距离患病的心脏可以在中年接受维修、并在接下来的一些年里保持健康的那一天就不远了。The day may not be far off, then, when a dicky heart can be serviced in mid-life and made good for a few more years.

在工作当中,周先生遭到了同事的虐待,在学校,迪克也遭到了同学和老师的欺负。At work, Chow suffers abuse from his coworkers. At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.

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事后张卫健不仅自己做了一份爱心礼物,还专程陪妻子打游戏机放松心情。Dicky Cheung not only do their own after a gift of love, but also made a special trip to accompany his wife to play games relax.

据美联社报道,在受益于此次总统赦免的犯人中,有一名犯人是来自于德州的迪克·乔·杰克逊。One of the inmates benefitting from the president's leniency is reported by the AP news agency to be Dicky Joe Jackson of Texas.

而且婚礼大概不会在香港举办,张卫健承诺到时会邀请圈中好友参加。And the wedding will probably not be held in Hong Kong, Dicky Cheung committed when friends will be invited to participate in the circle.

它具有神奇的能力但却从未具体表现出来,但是在最后“长江七号”帮助周先生与迪克拯救了他们肮脏的生活。It possesses magical abilities that are never exactly specified, but eventually CJ7 helps Chow and Dicky find a bit of redemption in their squalid lives.

徐小明则坦言自己看中张卫健那种亦正亦谐的表演风格,“他可以很严肃,但是也能够突然变得很幽默。Hsu Hsiao-ming is frankly own eyes Dicky Cheung is also the kind of harmonic performance style, "He can be very serious, but also to all of a sudden become very humorous."