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我自已冲洗照片。I develop films myself.

运动锻炼臂力。Exercises develop muscle.

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我自己冲洗照片。I I develop films myself.

养成好的学习习惯。Develop good study habits.

学会积极思考。Develop positive thinking.

他们需要时间来发展。They need time to develop.

爱好有助于培养好奇心。Hobbie help develop curiosity.

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我得冲洗照片。I have to develop a photograph.

我需要一个孟加拉语博客发展。I need a Bangla blog to develop.

你知道可以在哪里洗照片吗?You know can where develop film?

建立一个社交信息网,好好利用。Develop an information and use it.

工作中会发展浪漫情缘。Romance will develop through work.

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与单声道,您可以开发和运行。With Mono you can develop and run.

你们必须养成用字的直觉。You must develop a feel for words.

出动棋力向对方的王进攻。Develop pieces and attack the king.

这是人们开发仿真程序的方法。that people do develop simulations.

你们也冲晒黑白菲林的吗?Do you develop black and white film?

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如何巩固和发展中国天然橡胶产业?。How to consolidate and develop CNRI?

我需要开发一个动词搭配软件。I need to develop a verb conjugator.

随着年龄增长,人开始长皱纹。As people age, they develop wrinkles.