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苏希告诉我她们可以提供衣物。Susie told me they had loaners.

苏西遇见她的梦中之人。Susie meets the man of her dreams.

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这是粉红猪小妹的朋友,苏茜的羊。Here is Peppa's friend, Susie sheep.

我在做一张情人节卡片给苏丝邓肯。I'm making Susie Derkins a Valentine.

苏西那小贱人偷了我的梳子…That little bitch Susie stole my comb.

小苏西学到了什么语言?What language is little Susie acquiring?

苏茜走后的世界,一切都跑偏了轨道。All is not well in the world Susie has left behind.

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苏茜害羞地伸出了手,手中是一片创可贴。Susie held her hand out shyly. In it was a Ban-Aid.

我姓萨蒙,就是大马哈鱼那个词,名叫苏茜。My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name, Susie.

在屋子的顶层,苏茜有一间小小的阁楼室。Susie has a tiny attic room at the top of the house.

苏茜似乎在她死后的许多年还出现他的家人中间。Susie will appear to each of them over the coming years.

约翰和苏西当时分别是42岁和34岁。John and Susie were at that point 42 and 34 respectively.

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苏丝说,「但那二百万他还没花完呀!」"I know, " Susie said, "but he still got the two million.

苏茜渐渐地明白了她其实还没有进入天堂。Susie gradually realizes she's not actually in heaven yet.

穿越森林时,苏茜抄近路抢到了我们的前头。Susie nicked in ahead of us when we went through the woods.

苏希和她的丈夫都有一份报酬丰厚的全日制工作。Susie and her partner both work full-time in well-paid jobs.

每个人都安静得像只老鼠,苏茜更哭得像个泪人,我敢肯定。They sat still as mice, and Susie cried quarts, I know she did.

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潘再走了一段路后遇见老朋友苏西。A bit further down the street, Pam bumps into an old friend, Susie.

嗨!我叫刘诗琦,今年22岁。我现在居住在中国武汉。Hi! My name is Susie Liu. I'm 22 years old. I live in Wuhan, China.

苏西总是被她玩伴圈子里年纪较大的孩子所吸引。Susie always gravitates towards the older children in her playgroup.