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美国是农业的超级大国。The US is the agricultural superpower.

把他誉为“农技铁人”。Put him as the "Agricultural Iron Man."

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法国曾是个农业国。France once was an agricultural country.

农业生产多以集体合作形式进行。Agricultural production to more collective form.

这一切全因农业革命而改变。All this changed with the agricultural revolution.

贺州是绿色农产品生产基地。Hezhou is the base of green agricultural products.

这并不全是有关农业政策,她补充说。It’s not all about agricultural policy, she added.

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第二部分系统阐述了加图的农业思想。Part two expounds the Cato's agricultural thought.

一是农业初级产品销售机制。It is mechanism of sale of agricultural raw product.

人口普查少算了农业人口。The census undercounted the agricultural population.

我国地大物博,农产品生产各具特色。As China's vast land, agricultural production unique.

跟农业相关的一个领域是动物饲料。A related area of agricultural concern is animal feed.

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袁隆平是一位非常杰出的农业科学家。Yuan Longping stands out as an agricultural scientist.

他的父亲,一名农业劳动者,酗酒而且好赌。His father, an agricultural laborer, drank and gambled.

我司主要致力于家业产品业务Our company is mainly engaged in agricultural products.

受害者人数最多的是农业工人。The highest number of victims are agricultural workers.

冤枉的道向农解释了,并且抱歉。Wrong word to the agricultural explained, and I'm sorry.

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五要全力抓好农资供应和市场监管。supply of agricultural materials and market supervision.

中国一向被列为农业国。China has always been classed as an agricultural country.

龙山的稻田是一个农业奇迹。The rice terraces of Longshan are an agricultural wonder.