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他迅速的跑回家去取他的巡逻警车。He hurried home to get his patrol car.

停下,座着,等雪场巡逻车。Stop, sit, and wait for the ski patrol.

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德国士兵在马扎里沙里夫巡逻。German soldiers patrol in Mazar-i-Sharif.

我被背书了,7500多个巡警。I was just endorsed. 7,500 patrol agents.

溪湖糖厂内停用的道班车。Abandoned patrol car of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory.

尼尔沙克特负责巡逻的当地居民。Neil Schachter heads the local citizens patrol.

一个男的问,我跟阿夫顿阿尔卑斯滑雪巡逻队在一起。A man asked. I'm with the Afton Alps Ski Patrol.

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巡线小车的驱动采用直流电机。Driver of small patrol line vehicle is DC motor.

那您能给我们说说你每天是怎么巡护长城的吗?Can you tell us how you patrol the Wall everyday?

牵警犬的警察随后开始在这一地区巡逻。Officers with dogs then began to patrol the area.

南靖糖厂中的巡道车和蓬车。Patrol car and a wagon in Nan-Ching Sugar Factory.

图为治安警察在夜间巡逻时对两名男性进行搜身。Police officers frisked men during a night patrol.

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侦察员们分成两人一组,开始巡逻这一地区。The scouts paired off and began to patrol the area.

许多国家都派舰队到海面巡逻。Many countries have sent ships to patrol the waters.

高速公路上的巡逻警察示意我们避开事故地区。The highway patrol flagged us away from the accident.

他们在薄暮和被送回的家完成他们的巡逻。They finished their patrol at dusk and returned home.

枪声一响,使得巡逻兵们立即行动起来。A shot rang out and galvanized the patrol into action.

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阿尔安尼当时被安排在一辆在场等候的巡逻警车的后座上。Al-Ani was placed in the back of a waiting patrol car.

今天我方在各条战线上的巡逻队均未遭遇敌人。Our patrol on all our fronts contacted no enemy today.

一对在巡逻的时候另外一个在高空俯视。A pair on patrol and one at high altitude on overwatch.