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弥漫性甲状腺肿在一定程度上是结节状。This diffusely enlarged thyroid gland is somewhat nodular.

有时纤维囊性变导致乳腺更多的肿块出现。Sometimes, fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast.

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免疫反应产物弥散分布于胞浆内。The immunoreactive products were diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm.

典型的急性胃炎,胃黏膜广泛充血。This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa.

弥漫性肺泡损伤,病变的肺组织比较坚韧、有弹性。Here is an example of diffuse alveolar damage in which the lung is diffusely firm and rubbery.

在目标子模型里将目标描述为一漫反射的球体来模拟坦克炮塔。The target is modeled as a diffusely reflecting hemisphere, for example, the turret of a tank.

细胞的透明变常常是弥漫可见,而脑膜上皮细胞的轮状结构可能不很明显。The clear cell change is usually diffusely seen, and meningothelial whorls may not be apparent.

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医学图像作为医学诊断的一个重要步骤,得到了学术界的广泛重视。Medical image is a core step of medical diagnosis and has been diffusely applied in medical domain.

利用平滑肌肌动蛋白做特殊染色时,肿瘤细胞显现出强烈而广泛的反应。In immunohistochemical studies, the tumor cells stained intensely and diffusely with smooth muscle actin.

诸多学者追随汉布林,对标准谬误论进行了广泛而持久的批评。Following Hamblin, a lot of scholars had criticized standard treatment of fallacies diffusely and continually.

时常扩散地位于鱼的胆囊、脾脏,幽门垂与小肠区。Often located diffusely in the region of the gall bladder, spleen, pyloric caeca and small intestine in fishes.

超声可发现弥漫性回声增加、金字塔高回声以及间质钙沉积。Sonographic findings include diffusely increased echogenicity, hyperechoic pyramids, and interstitial calcium deposition.

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为保证交通安全,防止交通堵塞,交通信号灯在大多数城市得到了广泛的应用。To ensure traffic safety and prevent traffic jam, traffic signal lights have been applied diffusely in most of the cities.

在淋巴结内肥大细胞密集于淋巴小结的周围区,在中央区则少见,但在髓质内可见有弥散性分布。Mast cells densely lied in circumambience of lymphoid nodule and sparsely in central zone, but diffusely distributed in medulla.

蝘蜓胰腺5-HT细胞散在分布于胰腺腺泡细胞间,呈椭圆形和锥形。In the pancreas of S. iudieus, 5-HT cells were diffusely distributed between the glandular cells and were oval or pyramid in shape.

大尺度研究所涉及的各种模型中,USLE模型及其各种修正形式是一种被广泛接受和应用的有效工具。Among many kinds of models that are related to coarse scale, USLE model and its various revisory forms are accepted and applied diffusely.

多孔人工关节是采用与基材相同的细小金属珠粒,以烧结或扩散焊的方法,固定在关节特定的表面上。Foam coat layer consisting of fine metal particles similar to matrix is sprayed and diffusely sintered on the surface of the artificial joint.

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阐述了利用有机质的反射光谱特性对土壤有机质含量进行测定的原理及方法。The principles and methods were introduced for measuring soil organic matter content with the aid of spectrum data diffusely reflected by the soil.

该技术以其系统可带电插拔部件的独特技术风格,在计算机软件的支持下,正得以广泛的应用。The technology has uniquely style of plus and remove components in the live system, it is diffusely applied under the sustentation of the software.

结果胰腺淋巴瘤的CT表现不具特征性,主要表现为胰头、体部弥漫性肿块呈不规则结节状融合改变,多伴有肝门、胰头旁及后腹膜淋巴结肿大。Results There was no characteristic in findings of pancreatic lymphoma. The main findings were diffusely enlarged masses in the head and body of pancreatic.