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当然这种波是弥散的。The wave are of course dispersive.

所以现在可以看到,腾讯的决策是比较分散的。Can see now so, of Tecent decision-making it is more dispersive.

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有的有很多分散的小孔,就像筛子上的小孔。Some has a lot of dispersive alveolus , resemble the alveolus on bolt.

农村面源污染源分散,没有明确位置,其治理一直是个难题。Non-point pollution control is difficult because its sources are dispersive.

利用中国移动GPRS公网远程诊断分布式移动微型电站的故障。This system use GPRS to diagnose remote dispersive miniature dynamotor's fault.

到目前为止,数据挖掘行业是高度分散的,没有形成开放性的标准。Up to now, data mining field is highly dispersive and there is no open standard.

地面上每个点目标的回波信号在距离向与方位向都是呈弥散状的。Either on range or azimuth direction, echo of each target on field is dispersive.

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大鼠肾上腺髓质嗜铬颗粒X射线能谱图。An energy dispersive X-ray spectrum obtained from a rat adrenal chromaffin granule.

通过水基溶胶-凝胶法合成了粉体颗粒均匀、高分散性、高活性的纳米掺杂剂。The nano-dopant obtained by water-based sol-gel method was well dispersive and active.

腈纶纤维可采用阳离子染料、分散染料及分散型阳离子染料染色。The acrylic fibers can be dyed by cationic dyes, disperse dyes and dispersive cationic dyes.

独特的分散型剪刀设计,提升了切纸效能,节省能源,延长机械寿命。Unique dispersive scissors design, promoting cutting ability, saving energy and extend machine.

应用能量色散X射线分析仪检测了合金层的相对含量。The composition of the Zn Ni alloy plating was determined using energy dispersive X ray analysis.

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本文对潞安矿区地质构造的展市规律进行了分析和研究。In this paper, analyzed and studied on the dispersive law of geological structure in Lu'an Mine Area.

OFDM技术具有频谱利用率高,抗多径时延及信道衰落等主要优点。OFDM have high spectrum efficiency and can strongly combat multi-path and dispersive channel interface.

气体分析。用不分散红外线射束吸收测定一氧化碳。Gas analysis. Determination of carbon monoxide by absorption of a non dispersive infra-red radiation beam.

利用麦克斯韦方程得出了表面波的色散特性、能流特性。Makes use of Maxwell equation and gets surface wave dispersive characteristics, energy flow characteristics.

因此,国家建立并完善巨灾风险分散机制就显得非常必要。Therefore, it is very necessary of the state to establish and improve catastrophe risk dispersive mechanisms.

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冷涌期中低纬地区能量增大,通过能量的频散作用把中低纬环流连结起来了。Simultaneously increased energy links up middle and low latitudes circulations through its dispersive effects.

以爱心聚在一起的十个人,能够完成一万个分散的人做不到的事情。With love to gather together of ten people, can complete the ten thousand dispersive people can't do something.

用等光程方法,对棱镜折射率和色分辩本领公式两个公式给出一种新的推导方法。With the method of equivalent optical path, the refracting power and dispersive power of the prism are derived.